See my freeCodeCamp Profile
The JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures Certification from freeCodeCamp served as my gateway into the heart of web development. This certification equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of JavaScript, encompassing fundamental concepts like variables, arrays, objects, loops, and functions.
Having fortified my foundation in JavaScript, I embarked on a journey that involved crafting algorithms to manipulate strings, calculating factorials, and even simulating the orbit of the International Space Station. Along the way, I delved into two pivotal programming paradigms: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and Functional Programming (FP), expanding my horizons as a developer.
My freeCodeCamp certificate for JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures
My solution: Link to GitHub script
Original request: Link to the freeCodeCamp pageIn the Palindrome Checker project, I crafted an application to determine whether a given string is a palindrome. The application intelligently handles factors such as case, punctuation, and spacing.
My solution: Link to GitHub script
Original request: Link to the freeCodeCamp pageThe Roman Numeral Converter project allowed me to create a tool capable of converting Arabic numerals to Roman numerals. I've ensured that all Roman numerals are presented in uppercase.
My solution: Link to GitHub script
Original request: Link to the freeCodeCamp pageIn the Caesars Cipher project, I built a function to decode ROT13-encoded strings. This classic encryption technique shifts letters by 13 positions in the alphabet.
My solution: Link to GitHub script
Original request: Link to the freeCodeCamp pageI engineered an application for validating US phone numbers. This versatile tool accommodates various formats and intelligently verifies the input's compliance with phone number standards.
My solution: Link to GitHub script
Original request: Link to the freeCodeCamp pageThe Cash Register project challenged me to create a cash drawer function, enabling me to calculate change based on the purchase price and payment. This flexible cash register handles various currency units and simplifies complex transactions.
Elevating my web development skills to the next tier, the Front End Development Libraries Certification from freeCodeCamp introduced me to industry-leading front-end libraries.
I've harnessed the power of Bootstrap to rapidly style websites and incorporated CSS logic and Sass to enhance the visual appeal and structure of my designs. Additionally, this certification has enabled me to master building Single Page Applications using React and Redux, empowering me to create dynamic, user-centric applications for diverse purposes.
My freeCodeCamp certificate for Front End Development and Libraries
My solution: Link to GitHub folder | Link to CodePen project
Original request: Link to the freeCodeCamp pageIn the Random Quote Machine project, I created an app that allows users to view random quotes and share them on Twitter with a single click.
My solution: Link to GitHub folder | Link to CodePen project
Original request: Link to the freeCodeCamp pageIn the Markdown Previewer project, I developed an app that converts user-input text into real-time formatted content. The previewer renders text as HTML, enabling users to see results as they type.
My solution: Link to GitHub folder | Link to CodePen project
Original request: Link to the freeCodeCamp pageIn the Drum Machine project, I created a drum machine that plays various sounds when users click on the drum pads or use keyboard shortcuts. The drum machine displays the name of the played sound.
My solution: Link to GitHub folder | Link to CodePen project
Original request: Link to the freeCodeCamp pageIn the JavaScript Calculator project, I built a calculator capable of performing basic arithmetic operations. Users can input numbers and operators, view the result, and clear the input.
My solution: Link to GitHub folder | Link to CodePen project
Original request: Link to the freeCodeCamp pageIn the 25 + 5 Clock project, I designed a Pomodoro timer that allows users to set the duration of sessions and breaks, start and pause the timer, and receive audio alerts when the timer reaches zero.
The Data Visualization Certification from freeCodeCamp has equipped me with the expertise to transform raw data into compelling visual representations using the power of D3.js and other web technologies.
This certification has provided me with the tools and knowledge to make data meaningful and accessible through stunning visualizations. Whether it's bar charts, scatterplot graphs, heat maps, choropleth maps, or treemap diagrams, I've honed my skills in using data to tell compelling stories.
My freeCodeCamp certificate for Data Visualization
My solution: Link to GitHub folder | Link to CodePen project
Original request: Link to the freeCodeCamp pageIn the Bar Chart project, I created an app that effectively illustrates data using bar charts. The app includes essential elements like a title, x-axis, y-axis, and colorful bars, offering users a meaningful and interactive way to explore data patterns.
My solution: Link to GitHub folder | Link to CodePen project
Original request: Link to the freeCodeCamp pageIn the Scatterplot Graph project, I constructed an interactive scatterplot graph that elegantly displays data relationships. Users can explore data patterns through the position of dots on the graph, facilitating a deeper understanding of data insights.
My solution: Link to GitHub folder | Link to CodePen project
Original request: Link to the freeCodeCamp pageThe Heat Map project challenged me to create an informative heat map, which uses color intensity to represent data variations. The project incorporates axes, data cells, and a legend to enable users to gain insights into data trends and patterns.
My solution: Link to GitHub folder | Link to CodePen project
Original request: Link to the freeCodeCamp pageIn the Choropleth Map project, I expanded my data visualization skills to geospatial data. I designed an interactive map that leverages color coding to represent regional data variations. This project provides an effective means for users to explore regional data disparities and trends.
My solution: Link to GitHub folder | Link to CodePen project
Original request: Link to the freeCodeCamp pageIn the Treemap Diagram project, I crafted a tree map that effectively organizes hierarchical data. This visualization technique serves as a powerful tool for representing data with nested categories and enables users to grasp data relationships and proportions with ease.