Implementation of ROBxTASK skills for ARTI Chasi robot as ROS Action Server
- Long press the left Button on the ARTI Robot to switch it on
- Connect the computer to the ARTI Chasi Wi-Fi
- Open a Terminal and connect to the ARTI Robot (Rpi4) via ssh ubuntu@ - password: ubuntu
- Start the ros nodes on the Robot with roslaunch arti_chasi_mark3 arti_chasi_mark3_upstart_with_teleop.launch
- Open a second Terminal and start the OS1 lidar and Rviz with the launch file in this repository roslaunch arti_navigation arti_with_os1.launch
- Switch on the Xbox 360 Controller
- Drive!, but be careful, the robot reacts very fast and has a high acceleration
Joystick Control on XBOX Controller:
- LB → Deadman switch (has to be pressed all the time for control)
- Left Joystick → Drive
- Right Joystick → Steer
- Install Ubuntu 16.04
- Install ROS Kinetic (install ros-kinetic-desktop-full)
- Install Gazebo 7.15+
- Create catkin workspace
- Follow Instructions on
- Clone into catkin_workspace/src
Next we need to get some packages:
- sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-controller-manager
- sudo apt install ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-control
- sudo apt install ros-kinetic-effort-controllers
- sudo apt install ros-kinetic-joint-state-controller
- (recommended) install the complete ros_control package including joint controllers (
- sudo apt install ros-kinetic-ros-control ros-kinetic-ros-controllers
- (recommended) install moveit for motion planning (
- sudo apt install ros-kinetic-moveit
- catkin make inside catkin_workspace
- Connect Gamepad to PC via Cable
- Start Rviz for visualization and Gazebo for simulation → roslaunch arti_chasi_gazebo gazebo_with_ouster_16.launch
- Start the gamepad control node → roslaunch ackermann_drive_teleop ackermann_drive_joyop.launch
For Wifi-Configuration see also: ARTI Herstellerinformation / Handbuch
- SSID: "ARTI Chasi", Password: ARTIDefaultPW1!
- Configuration: (User & Password "ubnt")
- EdgeMAX Router IP (DHCP Server):
- Raspberry PI IP:
- Ouster LIDAR IP:
- Notebook IP:
For install:
- ROS Workspace should already be created on the notebook
- Install the ouster-ros package into the workspace
- cd ~/arti_ws/src
- git clone
- export CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=~/arti_ws/src/ouster_example
- cd ~/arti_ws
- catkin_make -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
To Run:
- Start the Ouster LIDAR via ROS → roslaunch ~/arti_ws/src/ouster_example/ouster_ros/os1.launch os1_hostname:= os1_udp_dest:= lidar_mode:=1024x20 viz:=false
- For different configuration parameters see: Ouster GitHub
- Visualize the Data with rviz → rviz -d ~/arti_ws/src/ouster_example/ouster_ros/viz.rviz
This is necessary in order for the SLAM Algorithms to work properly.
For the synchronisation between the ARTI Rpi and the Notebook:
- Install chrony on both machines
- apt-get install chrony
- Configure the NTP Server (Notebook)
- sudo nano /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
- Add line: "local stratum 8"
- Add line: "allow 192.168.5"
- Configuire the NTP Client (ARTI Rpi)
- sudo nano /etc/chrony/chrony.conf
- Add the lines: server minpoll 0 maxpoll 5 maxdelay .05
- Reboot both machines
- Verify the synchronization on the client with: chronyc tracking (should show the IP of the notebook and show its synchronized).
Important! Cartographer is not buildable now. First, the github repo states "build failed" for a long time. Second ROS Kinetic is not supported anymore by Cartographer, since its EOL. I tried to create a own rosinstall file (see arti_ws/src/arti_navigation/scripts/install and replaced the "version master" with two older commits which did not fail building at the CI pipeline of cartographer, but that also doesnt work. Only solution until now: Copy the cartographer_ws from the old notebook, delete the build_isolated and install_isolated folders and then run catkin_make_build --install --ninja only (see arti_ws/src/arti_navigation/scripts/install A backup of the cartographer_ws is located at my backup drive. (and on the new and old ARTI Notebook)
see GitHub:
- Install google cartographer with rosrun arti_navigation - this This installs as described "here"
- Use rosrun arti_navigation to add the necessary lines to bashrc which source the cartographer_ws and the arti_ws
- Start the LIDAR with an visualization
- Connect the computer to the ARTI Chasi Wi-Fi
- Open a Terminal and connect to the ARTI Robot (Rpi4) via ssh ubuntu@ - password: ubuntu
- Start the ros nodes on the Robot with roslaunch arti_chasi_mark3 arti_chasi_mark3_upstart_with_teleop.launch
- Open a second Terminal and start the OS1 lidar and Rviz with the launch file in this repository roslaunch arti_navigation arti_with_os1.launch
- Switch on the Controller
- Start the map making process with google cartographer
- After the ros nodes on the robot and the os1_lidar with rviz is launched, start the cartograhper ROS node with roslaunch arti_navigation arti_cartographer.launch
- Inside Rviz, the LIDAR data can be visualized with Add → By Topic → PointCloud2. Also the color scheme of the LIDAR data can be manipulated for easier interpretation.