To be used in sites/default/modules with a site built with
Extensions to the DEIMS built in D6 migration -- accomodate customizations made at Sevilleta LTER DEIMS D6
Download the code issuing at the prompt:
git clone --branch 7.x-1.x my-custom-sev-module
where my-custom-sev-module is the folder that will contain the code.
You want to copy the contents of the folder to the custom module location under sites/default/modules. Here, we are naming this module "Sevilleta", to be consistent, you may want to create a folder named sevilleta
mkdir sites/default/modules/ mkdir sites/default/modules/sevilleta
then copy the contents over
cp -fr ~/my-custom-sev-module sites/default/modules/sevilleta
Once in there, you will see the "sevilleta" module in the list of modules of your DEIMS install. You may enable it (or use drush to enable it).
Your new vocabularies, content types, and modifications will be available to you, as well as new extended migration classes.