Disclaimer: This code is research code and documents the prototype developed as part of my master's thesis.
The prototype server runs the integration specification proposed in my thesis. It offers openEHR REST API endpoints to communicate with clients. As well as IHE XDS endpoints to communicate with the Affinity Domain. For testing purposes this server includes a Document Registry actor.
A test client will be provided for more illustrative access. However, all configurations of ports and endpoints are static and meant for local use only.
Forked from IPF XDS tutorial.
- Java 1.8
- Maven
See XDS tutorial for more information.
Minimal example to build and run:
- run
mvn clean install assembly:assembly -Dmaven.test.failure.ignore=true
- unzip
- run extracted
Test have to be ignored when building. They are only working singly executed at the moment, because the test environment does not create isolated storages and therefore assumptions are failing.