Graceful shutdown library for Node.js applications.
This library is not production-ready yet, and the API is subject to change.
npm install @jakoboo/watchtower
- ✨ Graceful Shutdowns: Handle shutdowns gracefully with configurable timeout periods.
- ⏳ Startup Tasks: Queue tasks to be executed on startup and ensure your application is ready.
- ☠️ Shutdown Tasks: Queue tasks to be executed on shutdown, close connections, release resources, etc.
- 🚦 Beacons: Create and manage beacons to prevent your application from closing.
- ❤️🩹 Health Check Handlers: Implement health checks at multiple points in your code.
- Usage examples.
- Unit tests.
const { Watchtower } = require('@jakoboo/watchtower');
const watchtower = new Watchtower();
// Your application's startup code.
// Queue a startup task that will be executed before the application is ready.
watchtower.queueStartupTask(/* promise to be awaited */);
// Register a shutdown task that will be executed when the application is shutting down.
watchtower.registerShutdownTask(async () => {
// Your application's shutdown code.
// For example, close database connections, release resources, etc.
// Signal watchtower that we are done, and it can become ready whenever queued startup tasks are resolved.
Gracefully shutdown of an express server requires us to register a shutdown task that closes the server and waits for all connections to be closed before resolving the promise. For a complete example, see the express example directory.
const { createServer } = require('http');
const { Watchtower } = require('@jakoboo/watchtower');
const express = require('express');
const watchtower = new Watchtower();
// We have to create our own server as express instance doesn't hold a reference to it
const app = express();
const expressServer = createServer(app);
// Gracefully shutdown the http server
watchtower.registerShutdownTask(async () => {
await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
let connectionsTimeout;
// Close server to stop accepting new connections
expressServer.close((err) => {
if (err) {
// Server was not open when it was closed
if (connectionsTimeout) {
// Clear the timeout if all connections are closed before the timeout
// Server and all connections are closed
// Close all connections after a timeout
connectionsTimeout = setTimeout(() => {
}, 1000).unref();
// Signal watchtower that we are done, and it can become ready whenever queued startup tasks are resolved.
void watchtower.ready();
Examples can be found in the examples directory. To run the examples, clone the repository and run the following commands:
pnpm install
pnpm run build
Then navigate to the examples
directory and run the example you want to try.
node examples/express/index.js
All contributions are welcome!