a hack to generate static content from a google spreadsheet
- first row defines fields
- must contain unique id column
- text delimiter is
- field separator
- localize fields, by appending
If you want to define a list in your data, the list item delimiter is an new line and use the List function.
spreadsheet-cms -csv https://server.com/data.csv -languages de,en -out path/to/out-dir -asset-dir path/to/assets
- uses go std lib templates https://golang.org/pkg/html/template/
- the hugo.io docs have a solid intro https://gohugo.io/templates/introduction/
{{ $asset := print .id ".jpg" }}
{{ if HasAsset $asset }}
<img src="./path/to/assets/{{$asset}}">
{{ end }}
{{ if Empty .name }}
<h1>No name given</h1>
{{ else }}
{{ end }}
{{ range $listItem := List .features }}
{{ end }}