OpenCV Text Detection (EAST text detector) OCR
Create an environment with python version 3.7.0 and create conda environment Install the requirements using pip install -r requirements.txt Don't install any other dependencies
Change these variables in script. training_data_path : dataset folder path checkpoint_path : output checkpoints folder path pretrained_model_path : pretrained checkpoints folder path
Pretrained model checkpoints can be used if available otherwise use resnet_v1.ckpt addded in the repository If required change the other hyperparameters accordingly.
Command to run the is python3
To check loss of all the models tensorboard --logdir='./checkpoint_foldername/
find the model which has very low loss by running the above command then convert the best model into pb
checkpoint_file : output checkpoint folder path ( give the checkpoint number which you want to convert )
output_graph_name : output pb model path ( Including the desired model output name)
Command to run the script python3
This pb model can be used for further testing.