NodeJS script that reads new BitcoinTalk forum posts and sends them to a Telegram channel, group, or megagroup.
First, make sure you get API TOKEN
. Alternatively, you could set up a new bot in @BotFather
and then you will be provided with a TOKEN such as:
Second, create a new Telegram Channel or group and get its ID. Check out this link to learn more.
Third, set API TOKEN
and channel or group's ID
in bot.js
editing following lines:
const api = new TG({
token: 'YOUR TOKEN',
updates: {
enabled: true
const channel = -1000000000 // your channel, group or megagroup
const bitcointalk_URL = '';
Finally, run node bot.js
To perform this bot, the following dependencies are required:
"fs": "^0.0.1-security",
"request": "^2.88.2",
"telegram-bot-api": "^2.0.1"
If you want to see how this bot works, join @bitcoinTalkChannel
. This is an unofficial forum channel where all new posts are received.
BitcoinTalk does not have an official REST API from which to retrieve posts. As a result, I have set up an Unofficial API where the last 760 threads have been posted, but it is not public yet. I hope to set up free access to it soon.
This project is MIT licensed.