This is a Pacman clone created by James Hartley and Sebastian Hall as a group project for a college programming class. It uses the Phaser.js JavaScript game engine, PHP, and MySQL for the login system and high score list. The game features classic Pacman gameplay, with a high score database that allows players to compete for the highest score.
Please check Getting Started With Phaser since you need a local running webserver to run this project.
In addition to the Phaser Dependencies you will also need
- PHP 5.0
- MySQL Database
Easiest way to just play the game is to upload the entire repo to a freebie web server and open game.php
If you want to host it locally I would recommend using XAMPP
Color (HEX) | Name | Personality | Notes |
Red (#FF0000) | Blinky | Chaser | Only one that starts outside of pen |
Pink (#FFC0CB) | Pinky | Ambusher | |
Cyan (#00FFFF) | Inky | Fickle | |
Orange (FFA500) | Clyde | Feign/Mislead |
The tile that Pacman is on is what determines which direction the ghosts will go.
Directly chases Pacman. Targets tile that Pacman is currently on. As game progresses, speed increases to the point where blinky is marginally faster than Pacman
- Depends on the number of dots consumed by Pacman which decreases as game level increases
- Momentarily pauses speed when Pacman loses a life
Tries to land on space 4 tiles in front of Pac-Man (Ambush method)
Determined by both relative position of Pacman and Blinky (RED). Take tile 2 spaces ahead of Pacman and double the distance Blinky is away from it. The end of the new vector should be the target tile. Movement perceived as more erratic.
Movement based on how far away he is from Pacman. More than 8 tiles away from Pacman, movement identical to Blinky When within 8 tiles of Pacman, attempt to flee to the bottom left portion of the screen and hide