A javascript parser for Anime News Network, is meant to run in a NodeJS environment
- NodeJs
- RxJs
- Bottelneck
npm install --save https://github.com/jerradpatch/animeNewsNetwork_Client/tarball/master
let ops = {apiBackOff: 10};
let ann = new ANN_Client(ops);
let ar = ann.findTitlesLike(['good']);
// this is the main class
export class ANN_Client {
//default {apiBackOff: 10, useDerivedValues: true}
//back off uses
constructor(private ops: {
//the time between requests in seconds
apiBackOff?: number,
//should d_ values (calculated) be returned in response?
useDerivedValues?: boolean,
//using your own request function, bypasses the request throttleing (apiBackOff)
//**not user-agent must be in the header else the ann api with throw an infinite redirect loop
requestFn?: (url: string)=>Promise<string>
return types are derived from
convert.xml2js(xmlPage, {compact: true, alwaysArray: true, trim: true, nativeType: true})
useDerivedValues = true; adds derived types, they can take a while as they are fetched from multiple calls
anime.d_genre: string[]
anime.d_mainTitle: string;
anime.d_plotSummary: string;
anime.d_episodes: {title: string, occurrence: number};
anime.d_series: number; // 1 or 2 or 3 .... for type anime.type === 'TV' (for now)
findTitlesLike(titles: string[]): Promise<any>;
findTitleWithId(id: string): Promise<any>;