A toy project. Attempt to use dynamic nature of Python to implement programming by contract.
Despite being a toy project, the goal is to have a working implementation. But performance is less important than documentation.
A wonderful book by B. Meyer: Object-Oriented Software Construction, 2nd Edition.
The reference implementation of Eiffel at https://www.eiffel.org/.
The PEP 316 -- Programming by Contract for Python
Some (serious) contract libraries in Python:
- https://github.com/Parquery/icontract: uses decorators + lambdas;
- https://github.com/AndreaCensi/contracts: uses decorator + custom syntax;
I was wondering whether it was easy to implement a toy "programming by contract" feature in Python.
Function contracts can easily be achieved with the assert
def f(x, y, z):
assert <precondition>, "Precondition violation"
assert <postcondition>, "Postcondition violation"
Hence I focused on class contracts, since they are the most interesting: invariants, precondtions and postconditions should be inherited from a parent class if they exist.
Bonus: I wrote an Eiffel version of the example. I'm far from being an Eiffel expert, hence the code is probably clumsy. Please fill an issue if you know how to improve the code.
Assertions are defined at class level:
class X(Contract):
def __invariant__(self):
assert <my test>, <msg>
def func(self, x, y, z):
def __require__(self, x, y, z):
assert <my test>, <msg>
def __ensure__(self, ret, old, x, y, z):
assert <my test>, <msg>
<body of the function>
When deriving the class, invariants and postconditions may be strenghtened, but preconditions may only be weakened:
class Y(X):
def __invariant__(self):
assert <my test>, <msg>
def func(self, x, y, z):
def __require_else__(self, x, y, z):
assert <my test>, <msg>
def __ensure_then__(self, ret, old, x, y, z):
assert <my test>, <msg>
<body of the function, don't forget too call the super class>
To run the tests of the Python version, you have to type:
python-toy-contract$ python3 -m pytest
To run the test of the Eiffel version:
python-toy-contract$ pushd eiffel/
python-toy-contract/eiffel$ ec -config eiffel/python-toy-contract.ecf -tests
python-toy-contract$ popd
the Python tests pass, because of assertRaises
tests. The Eiffel tests fail.
Unlike other libraries:
- assertions are not coded as lambdas or strings, but using plain old
statements. - I did not use decorators but a method (for invariants) and nested functions (for pre and post conditions).
These functions are executed before and after the body of the function. If an assertions fails, you have the whole stacktrace.
Contracts are enabled only if assertions are enabled. This is true by design,
but there is a shortcut with virtually no performance penaly:
simply does not create a version of the class with
Unlike many other languages, but like Eiffel assertions, Python assertions are
enabled by default. They are disabled when the command line option -O
is set
This can be checked with the __debug__
python/python-toy-contract$ python3.7
>>> __debug__
>>> assert False
Traceback (most recent call last):
jferard@jferard-Z170XP-SLI:~/prog/python/python-toy-contract$ python3.7 -O
Python 3.7.5 (default, Nov 7 2019, 10:50:52)
[GCC 8.3.0] on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> __debug__
>>> assert False
>>> # nothing
The default mode is the "paranoid mode": invariants are checked after
(is the initial state ok) and then before and after each
function call (along with pre or post conditions). You could imagine that
checking the invariant after a function call is sufficient, but it's very
easy to alter manually the state of an object:
We don't use the term "private" here, since no attribute is really private in Python -- PEP 8 - Designing for Inheritance
Though, there is a "non paranoid mode". Invariants are checked only after method calls:
class X(Contract):
__paranoid__ = False
There are some challenges:
- explore the class hierarchy to find the
methods in parent classes, using the MRO; - explore the class hierarchy to find, for each public method, the
nested functions, following the MRO; - be able to turn off assertions inside assertions.
- check all the invariants and postconditions, but allow a weakening of preconditions.
We just follow the class __mro__
This is less easy. First, we need a list of public method, whether they are in
a class or its parents. This is what dir()
was made for.
Now, we have the names of the public methods, we follow the MRO until we
find a method in a class C
. Then, we switch to C
s MRO to go up until
we meet the object
class. Obviously, the list of methods (and classes)
is different for each function.
Then, we take this list and look for nested __require__
and __ensure__
functions. We can build a list of those nested functions, for each name of
a public function.
If you use a method inside an assertion (pre/postcondition or invariant), then
you are in great risk to trigger an endless loop. Example: the invariant is
checked after each method, but it calls a method m
. Then, inside the
invariant, you'll call the invariant and you are stuck.
Usually, we use a trigger: turn off the assertions, check the assertions, turn
on the assertions. But Python is dynamic, hence I choose to have
two classes: contracted_C
, with assertions, relaxed_C
with no assertions.
When we check the assertions, we change the class of the object to relaxed, when we execute the method, we change the class of the object to contracted. This is achieved using a metaclass: for each declared class, two classes are create and linked:
contracted_C.__relaxed__ = relaxed_C
relaxed_C.__contracted__ = contracted_C
The class contracted_C
is returned.
Invariants and postcondtions are all checked in reverse order (from parents to children). This allows to raise the first infraction from the most generic class.
Preconditions are checked in reverse order, until we find a precondition that is met. If none of the preconditions is met, then the precondition fails. Python Toy Contract returns the violation of the precondition in the most generic class.
The first version of Eiffel was released in 1986, more than 30 years ago.
Design by contract is, in my mind, a genius idea. Most
languages have only a poor, defaced version of contracts, that is the assert
keyword. So what went wrong?
Frankly, I don't know, but the "Do you eat your own dog food" is enlightening:
I read carefully the code, thinking of invariants, pre or post conditions, and
the conclusion is unequivocal: the only place where I need a state is, when
looking for assertions, I have to ensure that one and only __require__
preceeds one or many __require_else__
(same for __require__
). And three assert
statements seemed enough, because
the real question here is: do I have all the assertions? and not: are these
assertions in the right order?
If I can draw a conclusion from such a small example, it would be the following.
B. Meyer insists on correctness of programs. But that's not always the primary concern of program makers. It may be performance (some games), cost, ease of development, ... But even if correctness is the primary goal, correctness cannot always be expressed using contracts:
- some classes are only disguised structures (you know, those classes that have only getters and setters), helper classes like factories or builders (no real state).
- some classes are too dependent of a global state (they need tests, not invariants). Think of the classes that process an input.
- some classes do not belong to a hierarchy, and you don't need to inherit
pre/post conditions and invariants:
is enough.
Don't get me wrong, I would like to have real contracts in Python, Kotlin, Java, Rust, ..., but they didn't seem a panacea to languages designers.
Remember the LSP?
Subtype Requirement: Let ϕ(x) be a property provable about objects x of type T. Then ϕ(y) should be true for objects y of type S where S is a subtype of T.
Basically, in a given program, I should be able to replace a instance of a class by an instance of any subclass of this class. If it doesn't work the subclass is not a subtype, because it doesn't follow the semantic of the parent type, just it's syntax. In other word, subclassing is about method signatures, while subtyping is about method behavior.
With design by contract, assertions are part of the signature that should carry at least a part of the semantic. Thus, subtyping should be closer to subclassing.