Before of start, you need to install these packages for the project
So run this command
$ yarn install
Now you need to install a Postgres database because this App uses Postgres to save the form values.
You can install Postgres using the official website of Postgres or using the official repositores of your Linux distro.
The official website has Windows Installer for Windows Users too.
You too can install Postgres using docker or docker-compose you are free to choose which way do you want.
When you have installed the Postgres you will run these commands; but before you will need to switch for the postgres user in Linux Distros has a lot of ways to do that, I will show the easy way to do this.
Enter the root user
$ sudo su
Enter the postgres user
$ su postgres
And run it
postgres$ psql
Psql is a terminal-based fron-end to Postgres. It enables you to type in queries interactively, issue them to Postgresl, and see the query results. The documentation about psql
Now you are inside of psql shell you will run theses commands to create databaase, a user and give privileges for this user. Follow below
You can choose any name for your database and user
Create a new database
psql$ CREATE DATABASE yourNameDatabase;
Create a new user
psql$ CREATE USER yourUserName WITH EMCRYPTED PASSWORD 'yourPassword';
Grant privileges for the yourUserName to yourNameDatabase
To exit
psql$ \q
Return to your default user
postgres$ exit
root$ su yourUser
This commands had a lot other options you can view following the links below
You need set the environment variables to connect the database in the App. This App uses dotenv for this
you should never commit your .env variables if this happens anyone can view your .env variables in your git repository. Your .env variables have user, password, host, and name of the database and other sensitive things then anyone can hack your database and other things have in .env
If you commit the .env file you should delete all commits ahead that have .env because these commits wil have the .env file
The malicious person can just open that one commit that has a .env file
- Rename .env-sample to .env
$ cp .env-sample .env
- Edit the .env and put in all database config that you created The others environment variables you don't need to change
- This App uses dotenv package to loads environment variables in
and to access this variable you do this. dontenv.js
is a file that loads all environment variables and it's more simples import this file in other files.- You can view this file how config the dontenv
const pgHost = process.env.PSQL_DB_HOST;
// return 'localhost';
Knex is SQL query builder and we are goint to use migrations to management the schemas on database
- You can view the knex config in
// Is loading the env variables
module.exports = {
development: {
client: 'pg',
connection: {
host : process.env.PSQL_DB_HOST,
database : process.env.PSQL_DB_DATABASE,
user: process.env.PSQL_DB_USERNAME,
password : process.env.PSQL_DB_PASSWORD
migrations: {
directory: __dirname + '/knex/migrations',
tableName: "knex_migrations"
pool : {
min: 0,
max: 10
- Knexfile generally contains all of the configurations for your database
- development: is environment and the knex can load a lot of different environments configuration
- client: is which database that you are using in the project
- connection: is the client to create the connection
- migrations: the directory is where that migrations file is saved and the tableName is where knexfile saves the migrations on database
- pool: polling uses a cache of database connections instead of opening and closing connections for every request so this reduce overhead and network latency, min and max connections.
- The table and columns is saved
- You need to run this command using the knex to create the tables and columns
$ yarn knex migrate:up
If you want the drop the tables
$ yarn knex migrate:down
If you want to see all options of knex
$ yarn knex
- Now we need to check if the tables and columns is really created
Go back to user postgres and connect the database that was created
postgres$ psql -U yourUserName -h localhost -d yourNameDatabase
- -U database username
- -h database server host
- -d database name to connect
Then you will write the password of the user that you will connect
After you entered run this command on psql
psql$ \dt
Will show like this
Schema | Name | Type | Owner |
public | knex_migrations | table | yourUserName |
public | knex_migrations_lock | table | yourUserName |
public | users | table | yourUserName |
To see the user's columns
psql$ \d users
psql$ SELECT * FROM users;
Will show like this
id | name | subject | msg | utc_created_on |
Ok now the App can be used, but it will not send emails because of that always you submit in the formulary the data will print in the terminal 'error sending emails' why the App has a logger module.
If you want configure the emails sender fellow below, if not just skip
In the .env
This App uses SMTP Server if you want to switch to the other service it will work too.
- Open you editor in
and config the email
async function sendEmail(from, subject, name, msg) {
const transporter = nodemailer.createTransport({
host: process.env.AWS_SES_HOST,
port: 587,
secure: false,
authL {
user: process.env.AWS_SES_USER,
pass: process.env.AWS_SES_PASSWORD
// You don't need to change it if you are using SES
// If you are using other port just change it
let info = await transporter.sendEmail({
from: from,
to: 'yourEmailAddress',
subject: `${name}: ${subject}`,
text: msg
// In yourEmailAdress put your email
- Is donee! To start the App use this
$ yarn dev
In the package.json
in "scripts": "dev": "npx nodemon webapp.js"
, nodemon is a package that always restarts the App when you saves
The App is running in port 7000, you can change it in .env
You can use this repo for anything, i don't care about copyrights just do it