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This little script is basically a wrapper for amass. It will run amass enum
on all the root domains for your configured programs, followed by amass track
to identify those subdomains that are new. The new subdomains will then be emailed to you.
The idea is that you add your open cope domains to it and set it to run on a schedule, then just wait for the email to come in with all the new domains.
Create Gmail account and enable insecure applications (https://myaccount.google.com/lesssecureapps).
cp subConfig.ini.default subConfig.ini
and update required settings (probably just email addresses and passwords)
cp amass_config.ini.default amass_config.ini
and specify any changes you want to make. This is specifcally for amass
- starts amass and enumerates all the root domains stored with programs. tracks the changes and sends email alerting to all subdomain changes.
- adds a new program to the enumeration task. list of programs is stored in programs.txt
. amass data for programs is stored separately for each one in the ./programs/ folder. Once a programs is added the root domains should be added to the domains.txt file in the programs folder.
- deletes a program from the programs.txt file but leaves the program folder intact.
- deletes folders for all programs that are NOT in the programs.txt file.
- updates the list of DNS resolvers used by amass.
./subShouter.py dns
./subShouter.py add verizon
echo verizon.com > ./programs/verizon/domains.txt
./subShouter.py enum