Quiet Music, Weak Sounds is a collaboration between sound artists Johann Diedrick and Eisuke Yanagisawa to discover, amplify, and share the subtle sounds in Kyoto, Japan. Over the course of four weeks, the Diedrick and Yanagisawa will explore Kyoto’s soundscape with custom microphones, amplifiers and field recorders. Informed with their findings, the two will host a series of workshops, teaching members of the community how to build and use their own sonic investigation tools. They will turn participants into acoustic explorers and take them on explorations of Kyoto to find, record, edit, and present their own found sounds. Afterward we will construct our own Aeolian Harps and introduce our own sounds to Kyoto’s Kamogawa river path. Finally, the two will present their findings to the community at large, in the form of a talk and reception party. 🎉
The workshop will introduce participants to the world of sound art, while providing techniques for making tools for creating these experiences. This will include the fabrication of a mobile listening kit for use in installations, performances, and scientific research. The goal of the workshop is to take these tools into the field and use them for artistic investigation and public engagement. The mobile listening kit made in this workshop can be used for the field recording workshop the following day.
In this workshop we will use mobile listening kits and field recorders to find weak sounds in their environment. By using hand-made microphones and amplifiers, listeners can tune into the subtle vibrations that usually go unnoticed in our daily lives. The workshop encourages listeners to reimagine their sonic environment by playfully exploring the world through their ears. Participants will use field recorders and various microphones to go to the field and record these hidden sounds. Back at Social Kitchen we will edit and share our sounds together.
In this workshop we will build Aeolian Harps, legendary instruments played by the wind. We will bring their natural singing sound to the Kamo River and develop a consciousness around wind speed, path, and direction in the surrounding environment.
Drawings for workshops (Colorful Waves, Naked Ear, etc)
Drawing sound zine/catalog for residency
Translate workshops/work into Japanese
Daily recording, photo, song, drawing, writing