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A fun Swift UIControl for picking a size. Demo Animation



Add pod 'SizeSlideButton' to your Podfile.


Add the SizeSlideButton.swift class to your project.


let condensedFrame = CGRect(x: 280, y: 70, width: 32, height: 32) //Width and Height should be equal
let fancyControl = SizeSlideButton(condensedFrame: condensedFrame)

fancyControl.trackColor = UIColor(red: 38/255, green: 50/255, blue: 56/255, alpha: 1)
fancyControl.handle.color = UIColor.white
fancyControl.addTarget(self, action: #selector(newSizeSelected), for: .touchDragFinished)
fancyControl.addTarget(self, action: #selector(sizeSliderTapped), for: .touchUpInside)

func newSizeSelected(_ sender: SizeSlideButton){
    //Do something once a size is selected and the control let go
    // You can now use the senders .value for a value between 0 and 1
    // Or use the handle's height (handle.height) as a multiplier for size
    print("Value: \(sender.value)")
    print("Size multiplier: \(sender.handle.height)")

    // Ex: self.paintbrush.brushSize = kDefaultBrushSize * sender.handle.height

func sizeSliderTapped(_ sender: SizeSlideButton){
    //Do something when the button is tapped
    print("Tip Tap")


Via Interface Builder

SizeSlideButton can also be created right from the Interface Builder and allows basic properties to be edited.


  • init(condensedFrame: CGRect) will set the frame of where the condensed frame should lie (width and height should be equal)
  • init(frame: CGRect) will set the frame of where the frame should lie when fully expanded
  • currentSize to obtain the size the person has selected
  • handlePadding sets the padding around the handle (default is the left side's radius). Works best as <= leftSideRadius
  • handle.color is the slider's handle color
  • handle.height/handle.width gets the sizes of the handle and can be best used as a multiplier against a constant default size
  • trackColor is the color of the track
  • value is a value between 0 and 1.0 of where the handle was positioned relative on the track
  • leftSideRadius and rightSideRadius return the radii of the left and right sides of the frame when expanded
  • currentState returns if the control is condensed or expanded
  • animationType specifies the animation type used when letting go of the control

Supported UIControlEvents

  • touchUpInside is called when a tap on the control is released
  • valueChanged is called when the slider is moved
  • touchDown is called both when a long press is detected or a regular touch is detected
  • touchDragFinished (A custom UIControlEvent) is called when the slider has selected a new value and been released


SizeSlideButton is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.