This project has been realized for the advanced Java course, hold at the University of Palermo.
The repository includes:
📄 R.A.D. in PDF File in Italian language.
📈 Class Diagram images
🔨 Source code + Java classes (ClockTask folder)
📚 JavaDoc
- Download the .zip from repository.
- estract it into a folder.
- execute ClockTask.jar file.
The program will start opening this window:
- Estract the ClockTask folder from the repository and open it on Intellij IDE as a Project.
- From source code, run Build/Build artifacts to generate .jar file.
- In a shell, go to the project path and run the command: "zip -d ClockTask.jar 'META-INF/.SF' 'META-INF/.RSA' 'META-INF/*SF'".
- Finally, run the command "java -jar ClockTask.jar" to start the program.