This is documentation of various useful things I've figured out and will inevitably forget if I don't write them down.
Local setup (run from within this project directory):
sudo apt install bundler # Or whatever else your OS demands
bundle config set --local path 'vendor/bundle'
bundle update
bundle install
Run locally:
bundle exec jekyll serve
If you want to speed up build times, try adding the --incremental
flag, but be aware of its limitations:
bundle exec jekyll serve --incremental
Occasionally update your packages:
bundle update
Netlify builds from the master branch. (Previously, using GitHub pages would disable the last-modified plugin, but this is no longer used. So it should work on GitHub Pages, but I haven't tried it recently to confirm.)
This uses the very slick Just the Docs Jekyll theme.
Images are from unDraw, sometimes modified by me.
- For long pages (in desktop view, at least), a running within-page table of contents along the right side
- Also should involve smooth-scrolling between sections when you click on the links
- And dynamically updating the TOC to show which section is currently active (possibly helpful)
- On the home page, add links to most recently posted & most recently updated pages
For Ruby 2.7 and Jekyll 3.8.5, you get a billion warnings printed to the console. Until Just The Docs supports Jekyll 4.0, run this instead of the above command:
bundle exec jekyll serve 2>/dev/null
If you encounter errors when trying to locally run the site, try deleting the vendor
and _site
directories, then reinstalling dependencies (as described above).