Clara Sousa (up202207582) 33%
João Mendes (up202208586) 33%
Miguel Moita (up202207678) 33%
git checkout final-delivery-v1
sqlite db/database.db < db/database.sql
php -S localhost:9000
Register a new account.
Log in and out.
Edit their profile, including their name, username, password, email and image.
Sellers should be able to:
List new items, providing title, category, subcategory, model, size, and condition, along with images.
Track and manage their listed items.
Respond to inquiries from buyers regarding their items and add further information if needed.
Print shipping forms for items that have been sold. (with real barcode)
Buyers should be able to:
Browse items using filters like category, price, and condition.
Engage with sellers to ask questions or negotiate prices.
Add items to a wishlist or shopping cart.
Proceed to checkout with their shopping cart (simulate payment process).
Admins should be able to:
Elevate a user to admin status.
Introduce new item categories, sizes, conditions, and other pertinent entities.
Oversee and ensure the smooth operation of the entire system.
We have been careful with the following security aspects:
SQL injection
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS)
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
Password Storage Mechanism: hash_password & verify_password (salting techniques)
Aditional Requirements:
We also implemented the following additional requirements (you can add more):
Rating and Review System - Rating system is fictional.
Shipping Costs - Shipping cost changes with the size of the item.
Real-Time Messaging System - You can talk to a member to negotiate prices and discuss the deal's terms.
Negotiable - You can only negotiate prices if the seller defines the item is negotiable.
Mobile optimization - Website is fully functional on mobile, with specific-features like scrollable lists.