Additional build binary file(s) targeting different platform or built
with different compiler could be added to this release in the future.
For build type, although there are an explanation and code for static
library build type, the developer has no plan of releasing a static build
version for this library.
For all the build type, a directory that contained all the module files
is included.
Compress archive naming concept:
faiNumber-(version)-(build type)-(compiler shortcode)_(platform)
Build Type Code:
(This list may expand)
da - Dynamic all
di - Dynamic individual
sa - Static all
si - Static individual
Compiler Shortcode:
(This list may expand)
g7 - gfortran 7
g8 - gfortran 8
Build Type Explanation
Dynamic all:
All the object files are compiled into a single .so file with the name
Dynamic individual:
Modules that contained procedures for 32-bit int are compiled into Where modules that contained procedures for 64-bit int
are compiled into For modules that contained procedures
that deals with 128-bit int, they are compiled into The
fnConsts object file is included in all 3 .so files.
Static all:
All the object files are combined together into a single .a file with the
name faiNumber.a.
Static individual:
The object files for modules that contained procedures for 32-bit int
are combined together into faiNumber32.a. Where object files of modules
that contained procedures for 64-bit int are combined together to form
faiNumber64.a. For modules that contained procedures that deals with
128-bit int, their object files are combined together into
faiNumber128.a. The fnConsts object file is included in all 3 .a files.
Note for dynamic individual:
Although the fnConsts object file was included in all three files,
it was tested with gfortran that it was possible to use modules of all
three files at the same time without any issues.