This is a Social Network Platform where users can register, log in, update their profile information, chat each other, delete their Account.
An online communication platform which users can make, accept or reject friends requests to others. There is a chat room feature the users can chat each other. All possibilities (make a friend request, accept, cancel or pending status) can be seen both of side at the same time.
-First name, last name, email and password are all required fields. If a login user can not remember the password, user can click a forgot password link. With the help of amazon SES a verification code can be sent to user's email and if it is typed correctly, user can reset the password.
-Visitors can see recent users and also search by user name. If they click an other users profile they can see mutual friends, if there is.
-Users can upload a profile image with the halp of amazon S3.
-Users can delete their profile picture with an confirmation pop up. If they delete their account their profile pictures are deleted automatically from amazon servers.
_Registration & Login & Profile Pages
_Create new User & Upload Image
Find Friends
Friend Requests
Friend Requests
Unfriend & Mutual Friends Features
Chat Feature
Edit Bio
Delete Account Feature