Airline in the vacuum of space
vacuumline is a prebuilt configuration for galaxyline based on the look and functionality of Airline. It can be further configured to style icons, colors, and segments.
split pane vacuumline showing inctive and active styling
- Built on galaxyline
- Adaptive segments based on pane size (expand/collapse - guarantees vim mode indicator is never hidden)
- Dynamic theming
- Active/inactive segment styling
- Customizable
- Prebuilt segments:
The goal of vacuumline is just to expose a galaxyline configuration and thus requires galaxyline and its dependencies:
Plug 'konapun/vacuumline.nvim'
Plug 'glepnir/galaxyline.nvim', {'branch': 'main'}
" One of the following is required for showing icons
Plug 'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons' " lua
Plug 'ryanoasis/vim-devicons' " vimscript
" Somewhere after plug#end()
lua require('vacuumline').setup()
use {'konapun/vacuumline.nvim', requires = {
'glepnir/galaxyline.nvim', branch = 'main',
'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons', opt = true
}, config = function() require('vacuumline').setup() end} -- Add this line to use defaults; otherwise, call `setup` with your config as described below wherever you configure your plugins
Want to try out beta features before they make it into master? Use branch next
Caution: beta features are considered experimental and may introduce breaking changes.
use {'konapun/vacuumline.nvim', branch = 'next', requires = {
'glepnir/galaxyline.nvim', branch = 'main',
'kyazdani42/nvim-web-devicons', opt = true
}, config = function() require('vacuumline').setup() end} -- Add this line to use defaults; otherwise, call `setup` with your config as described below wherever you configure your plugins
One of the big advantages of vacuumline over a standard galaxyline config is the builtin responsiveness:
For convenience, rather than configuring colors for each segment separately, you may want to apply a theme.
theme = require('vacuumline.theme.nord')
The follow themes are built in. If you'd like to contribute a theme, please feel free to submit a PR.
- gruvbox:
theme = require('vacuumline.theme.gruvbox')
- nord:
theme = require('vacuumline.theme.nord')
- one-dark:
theme = require('')
You can also use a custom theme:
theme = {
line = {foreground = '#98971a', background = '#282828'},
segment_odd = {foreground = '#282828', background = '#b16286'},
segment_even = {foreground = '#282828', background = '#98971a'},
mode_normal = {foreground = '#b16286'},
mode_insert = {foreground = '#98971a'},
mode_command = {foreground = '#458588'},
mode_visual = {foreground = '#d79921'},
mode_visual_line = {foreground = '#689d6a'},
mode_terminal = {foreground = '#cc241d'},
warning = {foreground = '#282828', background = '#fabd2f'},
error = {foreground = '#282828', background = '#fb4934'},
scroll = {foreground = '#d79921'}
Here is the full default configuration. Individual pieces are described in more depth below.
separator = {
segment = {
left = '',
right = ''
section = {
left = '',
right = ''
color = {
foreground = {line = '#98971a', even = '#282828', odd = '#282828'},
background = {line = '#282828', even = '#b16286', odd = '#98971a'},
segment = {
mode = {
map = {
n = {label = ' ', background = '#b16286'}, -- NORMAL
i = {label = ' ', background = '#98971a'}, -- INSERT
c = {label = ' ', background = '#458588'}, -- COMMAND
v = {label = ' ', background = '#d79921'}, -- VISUAL
V = {label = ' ', background = '#fabd2f'}, -- VISUAL LINE
t = {label = ' ', background = '#d3869b'}, -- TERMINAL
file = {},
vcs = {},
scroll = {
accent = '#d79921',
lines = {},
diagnostics = {
background = '#fb4934',
errors = {
foreground = '#282828',
background = '#fb4934'
warnings = {
foreground = '#282828',
background = '#fabd2f'
search = {},
lsp = {
foreground = '#98971a',
background = '#282828'
Global config values are used when no specific value is provided for a segment.
separator = {
segment = {
left = '',
right = ''
section = {
left = '',
right = ''
color = {
foreground = {line = '#98971a', even = '#282828', odd = '#282828'},
background = {line = '#282828', even = '#b16286', odd = '#98971a'},
Segment separators are used to separate segments, obviously.
These are colors which are applied to segments depending on their order in the vacuumline.
- line: default line colors - line foreground and background
- even: default colors for even-numbered segments - foreground and background
- odd: default colors for odd-numbered segments - foreground and background
Displays the current vim mode as a color indicator and text/icon display
Collapse behavior: None
mode = {
foreground = '', -- dynamic by default
background = '', -- dynamic by default
separator = '', -- dynamic by default
map = {
n = {label = ' ', background = '#b16286'}, -- NORMAL
i = {label = ' ', background = '#98971a'}, -- INSERT
c = {label = ' ', background = '#458588'}, -- COMMAND
v = {label = ' ', background = '#d79921'}, -- VISUAL
V = {label = ' ', background = '#fabd2f'}, -- VISUAL LINE
t = {label = ' ', background = '#d3869b'}, -- TERMINAL
Displays an icon for the current filetype, the current file name, edit status, and file size
Collapse behavior:
- Truncates filename depending on available width
- Hides filename and file size depending on available width
file = {
foreground = '', -- dynamic by default
background = '', -- dynamic by default
separator = '' -- dynamic by default
Displays current branch name along with additions, changes, and deletions
Collapse behavior:
- Collapses entire segment depending on available width
vcs = {
foreground = '', -- dynamic by default
background = '', -- dynamic by default
separator = '' -- dynamic by default
Displays current scroll position in the file as both percentage and visual indicator
Collapse behavior:
- Hides percent indicator depending on available width
scroll = {
accent = '', -- used to color the scroll indicator
foreground = '', -- dynamic by default
background = '', -- dynamic by default
separator = '' -- dynamic by default
Displays current line and column along with line endings
Collapse behavior:
- Hides line endings depending on available width
- Collapses entire segment depending on available width
lines = {
foreground = '', -- dynamic by default
background = '', -- dynamic by default
separator = '', -- dynamic by default
section_separator = '', -- dynamic by default
Displays errors, warnings, and info from LSP diagnostics
Collapse behavior: None
diagnostics = {
separator = '', -- dynamic by default
errors = {
foreground = '',
background = ''
warnings = {
foreground = '',
background = ''
Displays current search term, current match, and total matches
Collapse behavior: None
search = {
foreground = '', -- dynamic by default
background = '', -- dynamic by default
separator = '' -- dynamic by default
Displays the active language server
Collapse behavior:
- Hides depending on available width
lsp = {
foreground = '', -- dynamic by default
background = '' -- dynamic by default
Link your local vacuumline directory into your packer destination directory
cd <packer plugin directory> # ~/.local/share/nvim/site/pack/packer/start on my config
ln -s <local dev vacuumline> vacuumline.nvim