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Prisma Filter Query Parser

Filter Query Parser for Prisma ORM

Using filter-query-parser as the base

How To Use

  1. Create a new Middleware that can be use for all routes e.g. parserMw

This examples is an examples for a Backend that use Express.js

  • Javascript
// Files :  parser.js

const prismaFQP = require('@krsbx/prisma-fqp');

exports.queryParserMw = (req, res, next) => {
  req.filterQueryParams = req.query.filters ? prismaFQP(req.query.filters) : {};
  delete req.query.filters;
  return next();
  • Typescript
// Files :  parser.js

import prismaFQP from '@krsbx/prisma-fqp';

export const queryParserMw = (req, res, next) => {
  req.filterQueryParams = req.query.filters
    ? prismaFQP(req.query.filters as string)
    : {};
  delete req.query.filters;
  return next();

Use express-asyncmw to return a response error automatically on every Errors in your backend

  1. Use FQP Results in baseRepository/abstract class BaseRepository
  • Javascript
// Files : baseRepository.js

exports.findAll = (
  conditions = {},
  filterQueryParams = {},
  options = {},
  include = {}
) => {
  /* {...} */

  const where = { ...conditions, ...filterQueryParams, ...otherOptions };

  /* {...} */
  • Typescript
// Files : baseRepository.ts

async findAll<T extends typeof this.model>(conditions: Where, filterQueryParams: AnyRecord = {}, options: AnyRecord = {}, include: Include = {} as Include) {
  /* {...} */

    const where = { ...conditions, ...filterQueryParams, ...otherOptions };

    /* {...} */

This baseRepository.ts is using baseRepository that prisma-repo generate

Keep In Mind

If you use a filter that split with . e.g. and combine it with OR - user.username, it will use OR in the top level filter, so prisma will read it like this

where: {
  OR: {
    user: {     // In here it read as user that
      email: {  // email is ... `AND` username is ...
        equals: ''
      username: {
        equals: 'user',

Anyone who want to contribute to fix this issue are always welcome

Case Sensitive filters

The caseSensitive is only available on certain databse provider. Read more about it in Case-insensitive filtering.


caseSensitive: boolean;

!!! We deprecate this features in v0.2.5+ !!! Determine whether use a caseSensitive filters or not. Default is false which use the default value from Prisma. But, if it true it will use insensitive mode on filtering the results.