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Installation in Arch Linux

Dario Giovannetti edited this page Feb 23, 2016 · 4 revisions

To install Outspline in Arch Linux you must download it from the AUR and build it; you can either use an AUR helper or follow the manual procedure.

The AUR pages for the various components are:

It is also recommended to install the optional dependencies from the official repositories to add some useful features.

AUR helper

You can make use of an AUR helper to automate the installation procedure. For example, using pacaur, simply run:

$ pacaur -y outspline

Similarly, to install an additional component:

$ pacaur -y outspline-extra

Manual build

To build and install Outspline manually, first change directory to a safe workspace:

$ cd ~/Desktop

Then download the required package from the AUR:

$ curl -LO

Now extract the package and access its contents:

$ tar xzf outspline.tar.gz
$ cd outspline

Finally build and install the application:

$ makepkg -si

To install additional components, the procedure is of course the same:

$ curl -LO
$ tar xzf outspline-extra.tar.gz
$ cd outspline-extra
$ makepkg -si

See Arch User Repository for more information.

Optional dependencies

These dependencies are present in Arch's official repositories, and thus will not need to be built, but just downloaded and installed with pacman.

To prevent opening multiple instances with the same configuration file you will need python2-dbus and dbus-glib.

To receive desktop notifications for alarms (trhough the notify plugin), you will need libnotify and python2-gobject.

To install all these dependencies, simply run:

$ sudo pacman -S python2-dbus dbus-glib libnotify python2-gobject