Welcome to the GitHub repository of PyForbes
PyForbes is an unofficial Python wrapper for the Forbes API.
PyForbes allows developers to analyze Forbes data and/or build web applications with this data.
PyForbes provides ease of access to developers and data scientists by providing a Python interface to directly access Forbes data as a Pandas.DataFrame or JSON Dictionary.
Install with pip
$ pip install pyforbes
A Simple PyForbes application typically looks like this
from pyforbes import ForbesList
flist = ForbesList()
# Get ForbesList data as a JSON
billionaires_json = flist.get_json('billionaires', year=2020)
# Get ForbesList data as a DataFrame
billionaires_df = flist.get_df('billionaires', year=2020)
# 30Under30 - Social Media Influencers
social_media_30 = flist.get_df('30under30-social-media', year=2020)
In order to make the most out of PyForbes, you should start with the PyForbes Documentation: Examples that will lead you through the most common aspects of the package.
Refer to the documentation, examples and other instructions here: PyForbes Documentation
Please refer to the Contribution Guidelines.