By default, SilverStripe lack some really common stuff I find myself doing in most of my websites. This module aims to provides basic functionnalities that can be easily used on a website.
This module is under heavy work in progress, things breaks and will change. Use at your own risks.
- SilverStripe ^4.1
- Use public folder
You can install this module with Composer:
composer require lekoala/silverstripe-base
If you install this as a git submodule don't forget to adjust your autoloader
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/src/",
"LeKoala\\Base\\": "src/",
"LeKoala\\Base\\Test\\": "tests/"
"classmap": [
Also you may need to adjust your default app/_config/mysite.yml to make sure base module is loaded first
Name: myproject
- '#base-extensions'
project: app
# If you use bootstrap 4
- LeKoala\Base\Extensions\BootstrapPageExtension
This also applies to your theme.yml
Name: mytheme
- '#base-theme'
- Contact Page with Google Map support
- FAQ Page
- Simple News system (if you need a more complex solution, use the Blog module)
Now provided by lekoala/silverstripe-cms-actions
Make sites themable through the SiteConfig and offer support for variables in your css files.
See docs/ for documentation.
Need for country, color fields? Yes! Should your enums map labels to a static method? Yes! Should your scaffolding use better input fields? Sure! :-)
Lots of new form fields.
See docs/ for documentation.
Define sessionMessage on your controller and display messages using Alertify library
Now provided by lekoala/silverstripe-devtoolkit
LeKoala -
This module is licensed under the MIT license.