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This repo implements many methods to retrieve molecules that are similar to a target molecule from a large molecule corpus.

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This repo offers many possible ways to retrieve molecules that are similar to a target molecule from a large molecule library.


  • Clean up the hard-coding and unnecessary files.

  • Support SMILES processing for the corpus.

  • Benchmark (performance, efficiency) different retrieval methods.

  • Support more promising retrieval methods.

Understanding this repo

A retrieval process consists of three parts:

  • Build molecule corpus. We need to have a large candidate moelcule library, from which we can retreive molecules. Here we provide the example of using eMolecules, which consist of more than 200M commercially available molecules. You can download the latest version of version.smi.gz for all the smiles.

  • Choose an embedding type. To accelerate the retrieval process, we have to convert each molecule to an embedding first. We provide various choices including SMILE-based fingerprints (MACCSkeys, RDKFingerprint, EstateFingerprint), molecule language models (ChemBERTa, MolT5, BioT5), and graph-based molecule representations (Grover, AttrMask, GPT-GNN, GraphCL, GraphMVP, MolCLR) learned via self-supervised learning.

  • Choose a distance function. Once we've got the embeddings of the corpus and our target molecule, we need to choose a distance function to measure the similarity of two embeddings. Then the top-k similar molecules from the corpus will be retrieved by searching (we use heapq.nsmallest). We provide many distance choices such as tanimoto, dice, cosine, euclidean, sokal, russel, kulczynski, McConnaughey. Notice that the majority of the distances are for fingerprint-based embeddings. If you are using neural representations, we suggest trying only cosine and euclidean distances.

Getting Started

  1. Packages install. The packages used are as follows (different version may also work).

Notice: ogb==1.3.5 is for SSL-based models likr GraphMVP. Here's an issue about the version of ogb.

  1. Preprocessing corpus. Download your molecule corpus from eMolecules in SMILES form. Process it into a line "SMILES size" (such as COO 3, C1CCCCC1 6) for each molecule, and save it in SMILES_LIB_PATH assigned in utils/ We will use the code snippet below to load this corpus:

    with open(SMILES_LIB_PATH, 'r') as f:
        smiles = [x.strip().split()[0] for x in f.readlines()]

    The molecule sizes are used for prunning strategy. When retrieving from the corpus, we may sort the corpus first and only search the molecule with similar size. But it's ok not to use prunning.

  2. Prepare model checkpoints. To run ChemBERTa, BioT5, MolT5, and other SSL-based graph models, you need to download the corresponding checkpoints. When they're done, make sure the paths in utils/ is correct.

    1. Download molecule language models: We suggest using huggingface-cli (check this guide, you need to install the latest huggingface_hub for downloading) to download the models. Use the following command (here's an examplar command for ChemBERTa):

      HF_PATH="DeepChem/ChemBERTa-77M-MTR"	# for biot5 and molt5, you can choose "laituan245/molt5-base" and "QizhiPei/biot5-base".
      mkdir $MODEL_DIR
      cd $MODEL_DIR
      huggingface-cli download $HF_PATH --local-dir ./
    2. Download SSL-based models. These models can be downloaded from the repo for GraphMVP. They can be found in the Google Drive. You can download the corresponding checkpoints for Grover (Motif.pth), AttrMask (AM.pth), GPT-GNN (GPT_TNN.pth), GraphCL (GraphCL.pth). For GraphMVP, you should download the from here, where the model is GraphMVP_complate_features_for_regression/GraphMVP/pretraining_model.pth. For MolCLR, you can download it (model.pth) from this repo.

  3. Build embedding libs. We provide code for building embedding library as and retrieve/models/SSL/ and retrieve/models/MolCLR/ (they will be merged together in the future). supports the embedding of fingerprints and molecule language models. The lib building may be time-consuming (maybe several hours). You can adjust the blocksize and chunksize according to your hardware (blocksize is like batch_size in ML training, and we will save the embeddings in one file for one chunk). If you don't want to retrieve using some specific embeddings, you can skip the lib building for those types of embedding.

  4. Begin Retrieval! We'd like to use a config.yaml for argument parsing (see retrieve/configs for examples). A config file typically consists of the arguments such as distance_type, embedding_type,prunning, query_path, save_path, topk.

    • The supported distance types are:
    distanceType = (
    • The supported embedding types are:
    embeddingTypes = (
    • The query_path is a txt file that contains all the target molecules, which we want to retrieve similar molecules for them. One line is a SMILES of one molecule.

    • save_path is a dir that you want to save the retrieved results.

    • top_k is the expected number of retrieved molecules.

Questions or Suggestions?

This repo is currently a very initial version. If you have any questions or you'd like to contribute to this repo, feel free to email Haowei or just open an issue, or even make a pull request. Welcome contribute to this repo to make it more helpful!


This repo implements many methods to retrieve molecules that are similar to a target molecule from a large molecule corpus.







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