Code, tools, and examples for planning and submitting observations, collecting data, and running pypeit in support of the Gemini FRB LLP (PI T. Eftekhari).
Based on Charlie Kilpatrick's code in github
The important part is to obtain and save the cookie of the gemini search website. This cookie is used for downloading the data and identifying the user.
to obtain the cookie (in Firefox and similar for Safari):
- open the gemini search website in the browser and log in.
- in the website right-click and select Inspect, then Storage, and on the left the cookies will appear (
- copy & paste the cookie and save it in a file; the cookie needs to be named like this: gemini_archive_session='my_archive_cookie' as detailed in the example of section 4.1 in
Once the cookie is saved, follow the instructions in api/ to run the .py file with your choice of data. Following the example this will save the downloaded data in a folder named /test.
First copy all the files in the /cals and /science directories created when downloading and paste them in /test/ut220321/ together with the other files.
The script controlling the pypeit run is /pypeit/
this is an example for running from the /pypeit/ folder: python ../api/test/ut220321/ gmos_north
I have added -o string in the code to run_pypeit overwritting the previous runs
with the latest version of Pypeit, an error is raised because somewhere there is a np.float and that was deprecated in numpy v=1.20. I have downgraded numpy and corresponding packages to be able to run the code, but this needs to be corrected.
Current Calibrations folder appears named Masters. I believe this is because I am using an old Pypeit version. The Science folder appears named science (lower case). I believe this is because I am using an old Pypeit version.
update the coadding and fluxing parts. Add the upload to CANFAR. allow user interaction between steps.