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Release Notes

Muhammad Martinez edited this page Oct 28, 2021 · 4 revisions

Minified builds map to the releases listed below.


Current Improvements
Adds new parameter autosubmit to control form submission after verification


Release Notes
Fixes an issue where jquery traverse functions are not present in form detection


Release Notes
Updates global LobAddressElements instance manager to share event bus between instances


Release Notes
Supports multiple forms on the page
Adds ability to subscribe to AV events


Release Notes
Implements form detection strategies to simplify script usage
Adds support for international verifications
Modularizes our main script with webpack as our bundler


Release Notes
Adds support for targeting more than one address form at a time


Release Notes
Tweaks DYM message and changes default strictness to relaxed


Release Notes
Replaces default standardization with Did You Mean? functionality
Adds metrics to measure script usage


Release Notes
Fixes a regression when no data-lob-verify-message-anchor attribute is provided


Release Notes
Adds ability to place verification error message next to any given component


Release Notes
Target HTML elements are enriched in real time as soon as they appear in the DOM.
Target HTML elements are identifiable using a flexible addressing scheme. This includes element IDs, element names, and in-line data attributes.
An HTML element for displaying form-level errors is now optional and will be added to the DOM when missing from the target form.
Form verification error messages can be localized using HTML attributes. Previous versions required a JSON configuration object.
[Fix] The address suggestion list is now positioned correctly on-screen when the target HTML input elements use the inline display style.
[Fix] If the Lob Public API key becomes invalid for any reason, form verification will be disabled and the form will submit as it did before Address Elements was added to the page.

1.0.0 / 0.1.0 (beta)

Release Notes
Initial public release.