Release 3.2.0
Release notes - Feature Store - 3.2.0
FSTORE-22 Failed to insert data to streaming FG
FSTORE-313 Throw intelligible error message when calling save on unsupported external feature groups in python engine
FSTORE-456 Validation time in the future
FSTORE-516 the 'transformationFunction" fields empty in feature_view.json()
FSTORE-540 Fix shared fs integration tests
FSTORE-549 Uploading a large number of rows to onlinefs fails with TOPIC_AUTHORIZATION_FAILED
FSTORE-566 Feature store online metrics page returns dashboard not found
FSTORE-602 get_or_create_feature_group does not validate feature group name
FSTORE-607 Investigate hsfs java resource leaks
FSTORE-636 ExpectationSuite sonarkube smartUpdate transaction
FSTORE-639 Pin SQLalchemy version or upgrade to new 2.0.0 version
FSTORE-653 get_feature_vector is broken
FSTORE-660 Docs: Syntax issue for creating external feature group
FSTORE-661 Creating external feature group in Jupyter Notebook didn't work
FSTORE-682 Fix fg save_expectation_suite
FSTORE-689 Shallow dataframe copy hides TZ bug
FSTORE-693 Insert with validation suite throws date format exception
FSTORE-701 Fix loadtest datavalidation
FSTORE-730 Fix Multiple backfill job started in dataval loadtest
FSTORE-760 Fix the printing of log in the stack trace for loadtest jobs
FSTORE-763 Onlinefs handling avro exception after append
FSTORE-776 Floating Point Issue with Train Test Split Ratios
FSTORE-780 Documentation doens't mention type limitation for event_time
FSTORE-781 Documentation for extenral feature groups still refers to them as on-demand feature groups
FSTORE-794 Offline fg backfill fails due to the DelataStreamer config Class path(s) in are not set correctly
FSTORE-804 Resolve OnlineFS getAndCastValue NullPointerException
FSTORE-812 Enable Kafka topic auto creation
FSTORE-814 StackOverflowException if you provide statistics columns in the statistics config
Design Log
FSTORE-559 Test connection feature for storage connectors
FSTORE-572 Design Log: HSFS Javadocs API
FSTORE-609 Design Log for FM Extend Alerts API
FSTORE-610 Design Log for FM UI / UX
FSTORE-41 From the storage connector; there is no way to know if you are actually connected
FSTORE-44 From a notebook the connector does not say either if it worked or failed
FSTORE-343 Separate HSFS java client build for different Frameworks
FSTORE-349 Add advanced tutorials to documentation
FSTORE-353 Extend the files for the electricity prices and NYC Taxi tutorials
FSTORE-373 Remove job when a fg or fv is deleted.
FSTORE-405 Add entity type to fs job name
FSTORE-434 Improve Kafka message delivery callback error handling
FSTORE-483 Hiveserver2 query optimization config
FSTORE-487 Handle each feature group in its own retry loop
FSTORE-490 Add more assert to Feature Store load test
FSTORE-491 Backfilling user story Design Document
FSTORE-492 Change notebooks that use sklearn models to XGBoost and save them as JSON files, instead of as pickled python files
FSTORE-493 Add load test for online feature store to test data integrity and volume
FSTORE-495 CItibike Tutorial
FSTORE-506 update hopsworks tutorials for 3.1 APIs
FSTORE-528 Add single expectation API and 3.1 changes to data validation tutorials
FSTORE-546 Update several Tutorials to 3.1 hopsworks API
FSTORE-547 Update Tutorials to 3.1
FSTORE-554 cleanup training dataset statistics
FSTORE-557 Simplify getRowClass method
FSTORE-558 Attach transformation function to self join query
FSTORE-561 Add load test for concurrent creation and insertion of online feature groups
FSTORE-562 Add load test to integrate benchmark for vector lookup
FSTORE-568 Add meaningful exceptions to the tutorials, that use API keys
FSTORE-569 New version of Bitcoin Tutorial
FSTORE-570 Design log: Kafka Authoriser Update
FSTORE-571 3.0 Some tutorials Fix
FSTORE-573 documentation/guide about on-demand feature computation pipeline
FSTORE-575 write streaming feature computation pipeline example
FSTORE-581 Review feature view documentation
FSTORE-588 Kafka Authoriser Update
FSTORE-589 Document behaviour of get_feature_vector(s) for missing PK values
FSTORE-591 Fix for hops-kafka-authorizer Sonarqube issues
FSTORE-597 Fix for online-fs Sonarqube issues
FSTORE-611 Investigate how to visualise Feature Monitoring
FSTORE-613 Make Kafka Topic partition default configurable for APP upgrade
FSTORE-614 Auto Kafka Topic recreation needs to provide better error message in Hopsworks for APP upgrade
FSTORE-617 Fix java docstrings to build javadocs
FSTORE-618 Expand current java docstrings to cover new hsfs functionalities
FSTORE-619 make the changes to the github action, pom.xml and mkdocs.yml to publish javadocs
FSTORE-621 Make unit tests run on hsfs branch-3.1
FSTORE-623 Flying Duck: Fix integration into deployment process
FSTORE-624 Add examples from hops-examples repo to hopsworks-tutorials repo
FSTORE-627 Create dockerfile and python entrypoint script-snowflake connector
FSTORE-628 Hopsworks backend logic, bash script to start the container and REST API-snowflake
FSTORE-629 Add CI/CD, set up Jenkins to deploy docker image to docker registry and pull on new clusters-snowflake
FSTORE-658 Incomplete doc string of create_external_feature_group
FSTORE-666 Fix modeling notebook in Bitcoin Price Prediction tutorial
FSTORE-667 Rerun and Refactor all tutorials
FSTORE-669 Enable GCS and BigQuery storage connector feature flags by default
FSTORE-670 Add provenance workflow tests
FSTORE-678 Flying Duck - Logging / Monitoring Configuration in Server
FSTORE-679 Upgrade Air Quality Tutorial
FSTORE-680 Optimize HSFS for single row writes
FSTORE-681 Fix blockers in hopsworks noticed by sonarqube
FSTORE-685 Improvments to onlinefs
FSTORE-687 Pin numpy in nightly-build
FSTORE-694 Users should have control over the size of the connection pool for online feature view
FSTORE-695 Flying Duck - Integrate Monitoring in Server and Chef
FSTORE-697 Handle timezones in validation report timestamp
FSTORE-698 Write Hudi performance best practices guide
FSTORE-704 Flying Duck - Hudi Table Reader Implementation
FSTORE-706 HSFS java make FeatureGroupBase into abstract class
FSTORE-708 Flying duck: Logging
FSTORE-714 Bump onlinefs version
FSTORE-724 Separate workflow and load tests
FSTORE-726 when computing pandas statistics check if mean is numeric type
FSTORE-735 Kafka authorizer Sonarqube fix
FSTORE-739 Add batch scoring examples to all non-online tutorials
FSTORE-741 Resolve outstanding onlinefs sonarqube issues
FSTORE-743 Add online support for External Feature Groups
FSTORE-757 Investigate Describe requests on all kafka topics by users in workflow tests
FSTORE-758 Fix failed workflow test (failed to serialise timestamp)
FSTORE-759 Relax fastavro requirements in hsfs
FSTORE-762 Cherrypick FSTORE-467 to hopsworks 3.0
FSTORE-765 Simplify initialization of OnlineFS
FSTORE-772 BigQuery ExternalFG tutorial
FSTORE-774 Move gcsfs constraint to docker image
FSTORE-775 Improve OnlineFS markdown file
FSTORE-777 Remove MapValue from onlinefs
FSTORE-782 Allow resetting kafka offsets for stream feature groups after backup/restore
FSTORE-786 Pin PyMysql version in hsfs to < 1.0.3
FSTORE-787 FraudBatch Fix
FSTORE-788 FraudBatch Fix for dev branch
FSTORE-789 multi modular hsfs java client
FSTORE-795 Provide flink dependencies in Hopsowrks deployment and not in hsfs.
FSTORE-805 Bump OnlineFS version to 1.5
FSTORE-811 Bump python version in testconnector image
FSTORE-818 Flying Duck - HSFS Cloud Integration
FSTORE-820 FlyingDuck - Memory-Aware Result Streaming
FSTORE-822 Flying Duck - HSFS External Client Integration
FSTORE-831 Upgrade citibikes tutorials
Release notes - Hopsworks - 3.2.0
HWORKS-29 Remove "Logical Clocks" from the feed back page
HWORKS-315 Copy and move get interrupted if run for too long
HWORKS-320 Pypi library versions not sorted correctly
HWORKS-360 Upgrade org.owasp.dependency-check-maven to 7.4.4
HWORKS-368 Fix serving tests
HWORKS-372 explicit provenance missing community stereotype
HWORKS-379 LDAP users cannot download certificates
HWORKS-380 class contains resource leaks
HWORKS-381 hopsworks-api connection.close() should clean up hsfs and hsml connections
HWORKS-382 Provenance input links are missing for models trained on python kernels
HWORKS-390 app_id field in execution table is too short
HWORKS-407 Setting the maximum number of Projects per user to 0 let the user create unlimited Projects
HWORKS-410 Pin jupyter-console in Sparkmagic
HWORKS-414 dockerfile:experimental should be pushed to our docker registry
HWORKS-425 Update Grafana to address CVE-2022-39328, CVE-2022-39307 and CVE-2022-39306
HWORKS-431 Git image version shoud not be hardcoded in Hopsworks settings
HWORKS-444 Log aggregation reports incorrect failed status under load
HWORKS-445 Increase polling time for log aggregation to finish in execution.wait_until_finished()
HWORKS-481 hopsworks-api create_job fails on app_path missing for flink jobs
HWORKS-483 Add CREATING status for deployments
HWORKS-484 Consecutive python uninstall commands uses incorrect tag
HWORKS-507 kagent_param for kube hopsmon certificate break the deployment
HWORKS-524 HSML ignores knative_domain parameter
HWORKS-370 Upgrade TensorFlow to 2.11.0
HWORKS-373 Bump ray[serve] dependency in kserve package
HWORKS-400 Upgrade Jupyter(Lab) to address CVE-2021-32797
HWORKS-430 OnlineFS CVEs
HWORKS-126 Add idempotent methods for creating deployments
HWORKS-219 Fix Proxy Servlet to use consul instead of localhost
HWORKS-220 Fix zip/unzip for clustered payara
HWORKS-253 Refactor loadtest project creation
HWORKS-313 Include model.deploy() method in the docs
HWORKS-333 Fix container vulnerabilities
HWORKS-352 Make model input_example consistent across data types
HWORKS-361 Increase TransactionInactiveTimeout to 30000
HWORKS-362 Update spark to depend on latest version of hopsfs
HWORKS-363 Bump Hops version to on hopsworks master
HWORKS-364 Update flatbuffers dependency in Hive to address CVE-2020-36632
HWORKS-366 Remove unused ClusterUtili price multiplicator singleton
HWORKS-367 create zip/unzip job
HWORKS-378 Metrics for consul nodes
HWORKS-391 Add utility function to create directory using hopsworks python SDK
HWORKS-394 Remove cron job to copy logs to HopsFS
HWORKS-395 Remove admin UI
HWORKS-398 OpenSearch Dashboard - elastic cluster status is wrong
HWORKS-399 Improve project admin rest api
HWORKS-402 Add monitoring rules
HWORKS-403 Parallelize workflow and load tests
HWORKS-405 Installing library using hopsworks python SDK should wait for ongoing environment sync operation
HWORKS-411 CVE-2023-25194 - Kafka Connect Worker Vulnerability
HWORKS-416 Upgrade data science libraries in Project environment
HWORKS-420 Remove links from images
HWORKS-423 Fix links for public slack on docs and community edition
HWORKS-435 Enable ACL for Zookeeper
HWORKS-436 Helper for loadtest to show execution logs in case of failure
HWORKS-441 Bump RonDB version to 21.04.10
HWORKS-442 Add log aggregation load test
HWORKS-443 Disable Hiveserver2 Web UI
HWORKS-451 Upgrade payara to 5.2022.5 to fix CVE-2022-42920
HWORKS-455 Remove old tours
HWORKS-457 Create users_groups view outside flyway
HWORKS-462 Remove Gemfile.lock file from community tests
HWORKS-463 Bump activerecord dependency in hopsworks-IT to
HWORKS-464 Update Python job documentation to reflect the fact that a K8s cluster is needed
HWORKS-467 Disable SSL/TLS Diffie-Hellman keys less that 2048 bits
HWORKS-470 Bump NVIDIA driver version to support CUDA 11.8
HWORKS-471 Remove usage of docker/dockerfile:experimental
HWORKS-472 Workflows/load tests python dependencies should be defined in a requirements.txt
HWORKS-474 Remove hdfs_user foreign key from JupyterProject
HWORKS-476 Remove hdfs_user_id foreign key from TensorBoard
HWORKS-478 Add webhook configuration support for alertmanager
HWORKS-480 Remove inode foreign key from storage connectors
HWORKS-485 Do not create linux user/group in git container
HWORKS-488 Add support for storing docker registry artifacts on S3
HWORKS-497 Remove homebew dependency from java cookbook
HWORKS-502 Add silence for CVE-2023-28462
HWORKS-505 Upgrade GPU components to support Cgroups v2/Rhel8/Ubuntu22.04
HWORKS-506 Bump Hops version to
HWORKS-513 Add MLOps Dictionary link to documentation
HWORKS-514 loadtest should run in its own anaconda environment