DP Version: 2
MC Version: 1.21.X
Clear chat for all players:
/function utils:global/clear_chat
Hide sidebar:
/function utils:global/hide_sidebar
Despawn an entity/mob:
/execute as @n[type=zombie] run function utils:entity/despawn
Reset entity/mob/player all attributes:
/execute as @n[type=zombie] run function utils:entity/reset_all_attributes
Clear chat for player:
/function utils:player/clear_chat
Reset XP (points and levels):
/function utils:player/reset_xp
Random TP for voids worlds:
/function utils:player/random_tp
- can/see_sky
- has/effect/<effect_name> (speed, regeneration, ...)
- has/passenger
- in/biome/<biome_name>
- in/dimension/<dimension_name> (overworld, the_nether, the_end)
- in/light/<light_level> (0, 5, 10, 15, 0-5, 5-10, ...)
- is/raining
- is/thundering
- is/baby
- is/falling
- is/flying
- is/ground
- is/on_fire
- is/riding
- is/sneaking
- is/sprinting
- is/swimming
- random/<random_chance> <0.1 (10%), 0.5 (50%), ...>
/execute as @s if predicate utils:is/on_fire run say I am on fire D:
function utils:motion/calc
execute anchored eyes run summon fireball ^ ^ ^.5 {Tags:["fireball"]}
data modify entity @n[tag=fireball] Owner set from entity @s UUID
execute store result entity @n[tag=fireball] Motion[0] double -0.00025 run scoreboard players get @s utils.motion.mx
execute store result entity @n[tag=fireball] Motion[1] double -0.00025 run scoreboard players get @s utils.motion.my
execute store result entity @n[tag=fireball] Motion[2] double -0.00025 run scoreboard players get @s utils.motion.mz
tag @n[tag=fireball] remove fireball
Get the player score ID:
/scoreboard players get @s utils.player.id
- team_player
/effect give @e[type=#utils:team_player] glowing 1 0
List of consts:
- 1000
- 750
- 500
- 300
- 250
- 200
- 100
- 75
- 50
- 25
- 20
- 10
- 9
- 8
- 7
- 6
- 5
- 4
- 2
- 1
Usage example:
/scoreboard players get 1 utils.const