Laravel + telegram integration. Based on telegram bot types
composer require madmagestelegram/laravel
The main concept is creating handlers for incoming updates from telegram.
It should implement abstract handler
There is one build in handler for telegram commands
To define custom handlers or telegram-command-handler, it necessary to create and register own service provider and extend it from \MadmagesTelegram\Laravel\HandlerServiceProvider
namespace App\Providers;
class TelegramServiceProvider extends \MadmagesTelegram\Laravel\HandlerServiceProvider
/** @var array Handlers for telegram commands */
protected array $telegramCommands = [];
// Other handlers
protected array $messageHandlers = [
// This handler is for telegram-commands,
// i.e. it makes $this->telegramCommands working
protected array $editMessageHandlers = [];
protected array $channelPostHandlers = [];
protected array $editedChannelPostHandlers = [];
protected array $inlineQueryHandlers = [];
protected array $chosenInlineResultHandlers = [];
protected array $callbackQueryHandlers = [];
protected array $preCheckoutQueryHandlers = [];
protected array $shippingQueryHandlers = [];
protected array $pollAnswerHandlers = [];
protected array $pollHandlers = [];
The command handler built for handling telegram commands i.e. /start for example.
All commands should implement AbstractCommand
and should be defined in \MadmagesTelegram\Laravel\HandlerServiceProvider::$telegramCommands
of own service provider
<?php declare(strict_types=1);
namespace App\Module\Telegram\Command;
use MadmagesTelegram\Laravel\Handler\Command\AbstractCommand;
use MadmagesTelegram\Laravel\WebhookClient;
use MadmagesTelegram\Types\Type\Message;
use Illuminate\Http\JsonResponse;
class Start extends AbstractCommand
private WebhookClient $client;
public function __construct(WebhookClient $client)
// It possible to response, during webhook request
$this->client = $client;
public function getName(): string
return 'start';
public function execute(Message $message, bool $isPrivate): ?JsonResponse
return $this->client->sendMessage($message->getChat()->getId(), 'Hello there !');
and register it
namespace App\Providers;
class TelegramServiceProvider extends \MadmagesTelegram\Laravel\HandlerServiceProvider
protected array $telegramCommands = [
- register webhook in telegram. It makes all handlers to work