A web application for searching hotels and adding bookmarks, developed using the React.js library.
- Node.js and npm should be installed on your machine.
- Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/mahdi-q/Booking-Hotel-App-Project.git
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd Booking-Hotel-App-Project
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Run the app:
npm run dev
- Click on the link provided in the terminal to open the app in your browser.
- Searching hotels based on cities name and rooms count
- Watching locations of hotels and bookmarks on map
- Adding and Deleting locations from bookmarks list
- Watching the hotels of bookmarks country
- Login and Logout with fake authentication
This project explores several important concepts from the React library and JS:
- Authentication Concepts: Core principles and practices for securing web apps, focusing on user authentication and session management.
- Advance State Managements: Techniques for managing state in complex React apps using tools like Redux and Context API.
- React-Router-Dom Routes: Managing navigation in React using routes to render different components based on the URL.
- Link and Navlink Component: Components in React Router for creating links, with NavLink offering active link styling.
- Programmatically Navigation: Redirecting users or changing routes dynamically within React applications.
- Fetch URL with Params and SearchParams: Handling and retrieving data from URLs that include parameters and search queries in React.
Packages used in this project:
- axios: HTTP client for making API requests.
- date-fns: Date utility library for manipulating and formatting dates.
- react-country-flag: Component for displaying country flags in React.
- react-date-range: Date range picker component for React.
- react-hot-toast: Easy and customizable toast notifications in React.
- react-icons: Library of React components for popular icon sets.
- react-leaflet: React wrapper for creating interactive maps with Leaflet.
- react-router-dom: Routing library for navigation in React applications.
Custom hooks created in this project:
- useFetch: A hook that retrieves data from a specified URL based on the provided query.
- useOutSideClick: A hook for closing a toggle or dropdown when a click is detected outside of it.
- useLocationUrl: A hook that extracts the latitude and longitude from a URL query.
- useGeoLocation: A hook that captures and returns the user's current location.
For any questions or feedback, please contact me at ghasemi84mahdi@gmail.com.
Thank you for using the Booking Hotel App!