youtube To ElseWhere · a simple script to avoid hundreds clicks.
With a single command download a video from youtube, save its thumbnail and print its title and description on your terminal.
Be sure to install youtube-dl as this script heavily depends on it.
You should find it quite easily on any Distro, for Arch Linux users:
sudo pacman -S youtube-dl
I wrote it to easily move videos from my YouTube channel to BitChute, anyway youtube-dl supports many other websites therefore it should be able to get videos and info from many other youtube-like websites.
Here are 2 versions:
- the standard one which is spiced up with colors by using tput.
- a simple version that does what you need without any thrills.
. youtube-tew URL
or make it executable and then:
./youtube-tew URL
By default video and thumbnail are saved in your ~/Video/ directory and named with the video title (spaces between words are replaced by _ ).