The oneAPI Construction Kit is a framework to provide implementations of open standards, such as OpenCL and Vulkan, for a wide range of devices. The oneAPI Construction Kit can be used to build with the oneAPI Toolkit. The oneAPI Toolkit includes support for various open standards, such as OpenMP, SYCL, and DPC++. DPC++ is based on the SYCL programming model, which allows to write single-source C++ code that can target both CPUs and GPUs. To get more information on oneAPI, please visit
Note: It is not intended to be used as a standalone OpenCL or Vulkan implementation. It does not support the oneAPI Level Zero API.
For more information about building, implementing and maintaining the oneAPI Construction Kit please take the time to read the developer guide and the other documentation in the
See LICENSE.txt for details about the license for the code base, and external components.
Note: oneAPI Construction Kit was previously referred to as ComputeAorta and referred to as acronym
. As a result, references to ComputeAorta or CA may be present in some oneAPI Construction Kit's documentation and code.
This section provides the minimum system requirements for building the oneAPI Construction Kit on Ubuntu 20.04. For Windows platform dependencies and build instructions please refer to the developer guide. There is a blog post demonstrating how to build the kit for a simulated RISC-V target. You can also find the documentation on Codeplay's developer website.
- Git
- CMake 3.16+
- Python 3.6.9+
- Visual Studio 2017 or 2019 (for Windows)
To install the dependencies on Ubuntu, open the terminal and run:
$ sudo apt update
$ sudo apt install -y build-essential git cmake libtinfo-dev python3
- Ninja
- clang-format 16
- lit
To install the recommended packages, run:
$ sudo apt install -y ninja-build doxygen python3-pip
$ sudo pip3 install lit virtualenv cmakelint clang-format==16.0.6
To compile the oneAPI Construction Kit, LLVM needs to be installed and linked against. The build process requires the use of tools from LLVM when the runtime compiler is enabled. The user can either follow the LLVM guide to build a suitable install or follow the without LLVM guide to compile the oneAPI Construction Kit with the runtime compiler disabled.
Examples are provided to get started, but for more control over the compilation process, the user can consult the list of CMake options.
The oneAPI Construction Kit can be compiled for two reference targets; host
and refsi
). In SYCL programming, the host target refers to the system where the SYCL program is compiled and executed, while the refsi (Reference System Implementation) target refers to the target platform for which the program is being developed. The refsi target is a hardware-specific implementation of the SYCL specification, enabling the program to run on a specific target platform. SYCL implementations such as DPC++ provide various refsi targets for CPUs, GPUs, FPGAs, and accelerators, which can be selected during compilation using specific flags and code.
To compile oneAPI Construction Kit for the host, please refer to the developer guide.
This target aims to provide a flexible way of communicating with various customer RISC-V targets with different configurations. It supports multiple variants using an abstract class and can configure targets and execute commands. However, the current version has only been tested on an x86_64 host CPU.
The available targets in the current implementation are based on Codeplay's reference architecture, called RefSi, with two variations: G
and M1
. The riscv
target is designed to support the G
variant, while the M1
variant has additional features like DMA. More information on riscv
can be found here. To build in-tree, run the following:
cmake -GNinja \
-Bbuild-riscv \
ninja -C build-riscv install
Note: The installed LLVM must have RISCV as an enabled target and build
When cross-compiling with CMake, you need to set the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE
variable to tell CMake how to compile for the target architecture. This file sets up various CMake variables, such as the locations of the C and C++ compilers, the assembler, the linker, and the target file system root. By setting these variables correctly, CMake can generate the appropriate build system files for the target platform. More information regarding cross compiling of the oneAPI Construction Kit, can be found here
To obtain the pre-released DPC++ compiler, please visit the following link: It is recommended to download the DPC++ daily version released on May 18, 2023, which can be found at
To acquire the oneAPI-samples, clone it as follows.
git clone
Set the environment variables:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/yo/dpcpp_compiler/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Now to compile the vector add using the downloaded dpc++, follow the steps below:
cd oneAPI-samples/DirectProgramming/C++SYCL/DenseLinearAlgebra/vector-add
/path/to/dpcpp_compiler/bin/clang++ -fsycl src/vector-add-buffers.cpp -o vector-add-buffers
CA_HAL_DEBUG=1 ./vector-add-buffers
The generated output should look something like the following:
Running on device: RefSi G1 RV64
Vector size: 10000
refsi_hal_device::mem_alloc(size=40000, align=128) -> 0x9ff06380
refsi_hal_device::mem_write(dst=0x9ff06380, size=40000)
refsi_hal_device::mem_alloc(size=40000, align=128) -> 0x9fefc700
refsi_hal_device::mem_write(dst=0x9fefc700, size=40000)
refsi_hal_device::mem_alloc(size=40000, align=128) -> 0x9fef2a80
refsi_hal_device::mem_write(dst=0x9fef2a80, size=40000)
refsi_hal_device::program_find_kernel(name='_ZTSZZ9VectorAddRN4sycl3_V15queueERKSt6vectorIiSaIiEES7_RS5_ENKUlRNS0_7handlerEE_clESA_EUlT_E_.mux-kernel-wrapper') -> 0x00010570
refsi_hal_device::kernel_exec(kernel=0x00010570, num_args=6, global=<10000:1:1>, local=<16:1:1>)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=0, align=8, value=0x000000009fef2a80)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=8, align=8, value=0x0000000000000000)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=16, align=8, value=0x000000009ff06380)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=24, align=8, value=0x0000000000000000)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=32, align=8, value=0x000000009fefc700)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=40, align=8, value=0x0000000000000000)
refsi_hal_device::kernel_exec finished in 0.003 s
refsi_hal_device::mem_read(src=0x9fef2a80, size=40000)
[0]: 0 + 0 = 0
[1]: 1 + 1 = 2
[2]: 2 + 2 = 4
[9999]: 9999 + 9999 = 19998
Vector add successfully completed on device.
To build oneAPI follow the commands below:
git clone intel-llvm -b sycl
Naming the directory "intel-llvm" is optional, but it helps distinguish between intel's llvm and any other llvm repo you may have. You can build anywhere, but an "in-tree" build is recommended
cd intel-llvm
The -o build
is the default, but this allows you to name the build directory. Since this creates the build directory relative to the current working directory, so being inside intel-llvm at this point creates an in-tree build.
The easiest way to get started is to use the buildbot configure and compile scripts.
python buildbot/ \
-o build \
--cmake-opt="-DSYCL_BE=opencl" \
--cmake-opt="-DSYCL_TARGET_DEVICES=acc" \
--cmake-opt="-DSYCL_TEST_E2E_TARGETS=opencl:acc" \
# Build. Again, "-o build" is default but this makes it more
# explicit. Relative to current working directory.
python buildbot/ -o build
Note: The instructions differ for the host and riscv. The instructions mentioned above are for
The following simple-vector-add sample code serves as an introductory example, similar to a "Hello, World!" program, for data parallel programming using SYCL. It showcases fundamental features of SYCL and demonstrates how to perform vector addition on arrays of integers and float. Furthermore, building and running the simple-vector-add sample code can be used as a verification step to ensure that your development environment is properly configured for oneAPI Toolkit and oneAPI Construction kit.
#include <CL/sycl.hpp>
#include <array>
#include <iostream>
constexpr cl::sycl::access::mode sycl_read = cl::sycl::access::mode::read;
constexpr cl::sycl::access::mode sycl_write = cl::sycl::access::mode::write;
/* This is the class used to name the kernel for the runtime.
* This must be done when the kernel is expressed as a lambda. */
template <typename T>
class SimpleVadd;
template <typename T, size_t N>
void simple_vadd(const std::array<T, N> &VA, const std::array<T, N> &VB,
std::array<T, N> &VC) {
cl::sycl::queue deviceQueue;
cl::sycl::range<1> numOfItems{N};
cl::sycl::buffer<T, 1> bufferA(, numOfItems);
cl::sycl::buffer<T, 1> bufferB(, numOfItems);
cl::sycl::buffer<T, 1> bufferC(, numOfItems);
deviceQueue.submit([&](cl::sycl::handler &cgh) {
auto accessorA = bufferA.template get_access<sycl_read>(cgh);
auto accessorB = bufferB.template get_access<sycl_read>(cgh);
auto accessorC = bufferC.template get_access<sycl_write>(cgh);
auto kern = [=](cl::sycl::id<1> wiID) {
accessorC[wiID] = accessorA[wiID] + accessorB[wiID];
cgh.parallel_for<class SimpleVadd<T>>(numOfItems, kern);
int main() {
const size_t array_size = 4;
std::array<sycl::opencl::cl_int, array_size> A = {{1, 2, 3, 4}},
B = {{1, 2, 3, 4}}, C;
std::array<sycl::opencl::cl_float, array_size> D = {{1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 4.f}},
E = {{1.f, 2.f, 3.f, 4.f}}, F;
simple_vadd(A, B, C);
simple_vadd(D, E, F);
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < array_size; i++) {
if (C[i] != A[i] + B[i]) {
std::cout << "The results are incorrect (element " << i << " is " << C[i]
<< "!\n";
return 1;
if (F[i] != D[i] + E[i]) {
std::cout << "The results are incorrect (element " << i << " is " << F[i]
<< "!\n";
return 1;
std::cout << "The results are correct!\n";
return 0;
Set the environment variables before compiling the code:
Compile the code using the clang++
from the oneAPI toolkit.
./build/bin/clang++ -fsycl simple-vector-add.cpp -o simple-vector-add
Once the code is compiled, execute the generated binary for the riscv
CA_HAL_DEBUG=1 ./simple-vector-add
The expected output should be similar to:
refsi_hal_device::mem_alloc(size=16, align=128) -> 0x9ff0ff80
refsi_hal_device::mem_write(dst=0x9ff0ff80, size=16)
refsi_hal_device::mem_alloc(size=16, align=128) -> 0x9ff0ff00
refsi_hal_device::mem_write(dst=0x9ff0ff00, size=16)
refsi_hal_device::mem_alloc(size=16, align=128) -> 0x9ff0fe80
refsi_hal_device::mem_write(dst=0x9ff0fe80, size=16)
refsi_hal_device::program_find_kernel(name='_ZTS10SimpleVaddIiE.mux-kernel-wrapper') -> 0x00010558
refsi_hal_device::kernel_exec(kernel=0x00010558, num_args=6, global=<4:1:1>, local=<4:1:1>)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=0, align=8, value=0x000000009ff0fe80)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=8, align=8, value=0x0000000000000000)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=16, align=8, value=0x000000009ff0ff80)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=24, align=8, value=0x0000000000000000)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=32, align=8, value=0x000000009ff0ff00)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=40, align=8, value=0x0000000000000000)
refsi_hal_device::kernel_exec finished in 0.002 s
refsi_hal_device::mem_read(src=0x9ff0fe80, size=16)
refsi_hal_device::mem_alloc(size=16, align=128) -> 0x9ff0ff80
refsi_hal_device::mem_write(dst=0x9ff0ff80, size=16)
refsi_hal_device::mem_alloc(size=16, align=128) -> 0x9ff0ff00
refsi_hal_device::mem_write(dst=0x9ff0ff00, size=16)
refsi_hal_device::mem_alloc(size=16, align=128) -> 0x9ff0fe80
refsi_hal_device::mem_write(dst=0x9ff0fe80, size=16)
refsi_hal_device::program_find_kernel(name='_ZTS10SimpleVaddIfE.mux-kernel-wrapper') -> 0x000109e2
refsi_hal_device::kernel_exec(kernel=0x000109e2, num_args=6, global=<4:1:1>, local=<4:1:1>)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=0, align=8, value=0x000000009ff0fe80)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=8, align=8, value=0x0000000000000000)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=16, align=8, value=0x000000009ff0ff80)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=24, align=8, value=0x0000000000000000)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=32, align=8, value=0x000000009ff0ff00)
refsi_hal_device::pack_arg(offset=40, align=8, value=0x0000000000000000)
refsi_hal_device::kernel_exec finished in 0.002 s
refsi_hal_device::mem_read(src=0x9ff0fe80, size=16)
The results are correct!