WP-CLI is the official command-line interface for WordPress. It provides a collection of commands that can be used to perform various WordPress actions such as plugin & theme installations, core updates, configurations or backups without using a browser.
In this workshop, I will teach you the basics of WP-CLI and present useful commands to learn more about this powerful WordPress management and development tool. This workshop is aimed at beginner & advanced WordPress users who are not familiar with the command line yet and are looking for an easy way to get started.
You can find the slides of this workshop on https://speakerdeck.com/
- Windows: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sd6MWc29G84
- Mac: https://wpbeaches.com/installing-wordpress-wp-cli-macos/
- Linux: https://www.linode.com/docs/websites/cms/install-wordpress-using-wp-cli-on-ubuntu-18-04/
- Download https://localwp.com/
- Create a new site
- Right click on the site name
- Click on "Open Site Shell"
- --prompt
- --quite
- --path
- --dry_run
$ wp help
Opens the general help
$ wp help plugin
Opens the help for the respective command (e.g. plugin)
$ wp core download
Downloads the WordPress core
$ wp core version
Shows the current WordPress version
$ wp core update
Updates the WordPress core to a newer version
$ wp core install
Starts the standard WordPress installation process
$ wp core install --url=mysite.server.com --title=title --admin_user=you --admin_password=Password1 --admin_email=your@email.address
Starts the standard WordPress installation process with each parameter
$ wp core install --prompt
The identical command without parameters; prompts the user to enter values for all command arguments
$ wp option update blogname "My awesome website"
Updates your blog title
$ wp option update blogdescription "This is the website from Marcel"
Updates your blog description
$ wp theme install astra --activate
Installs & activates the Astra Theme
$ wp theme activate astra
If Astra Theme is already installed you can activate it using the “activate” sub command
$ wp theme update astra
Updates a theme
$ wp theme update --all
Updates all installed themes
$ wp plugin install wordpress-seo --activate
Installs Yoast SEO and activates the plugin.
$ wp plugin list
Shows all installed plugins
$ wp plugin install duplicate-post woocommerce elementor contact-form-7 --activate
Installs several plugins in bulk and activates them
$ wp plugin update wordpress-seo
Updates Yoast SEO
$ wp plugin update --all
Updates all plugins
$ wp menu create “Top-Menu”
Creates a menu with the name “Top Menu”
$ wp menu location list
Shows all menus
$ wp maintenance-mode activate
Updates Activates the WordPress maintenance mode
$ wp maintenance-mode status
Shows the current status
$ wp maintenance-mode deactivate
Deactivates the maintenance mode
$ wp search-replace "Jack" "Paco" --dry-run
Searches all rows for a string and replaces it - Global Parameter --dry-run will show us first the output before making changes in our tables
$ wp search-replace "Jack" "Paco"
Searches all rows for a string and replaces it
$ wp cache flush
Clears the WordPress object cache
$ wp media regenerate
Regenerates thumbnails
$ seq 500 1000 | xargs wp media regenerate
Regenerates thumbnails from IDs 500 - 1000
$ wp user create
Creates a new WordPress user and shows all available parameters
$ wp user create --prompt
Tip: Use the global parameter --prompt to not have to remember the specific parameters
$ wp user add-role 2 administrator
Assigns admin rights to the user with ID “2”
$ wp user get 2
Returns details about the user with ID “2”
$ wp user delete 2 --reassign=1
Deletes the user with ID “2” and reassign all posts to user with ID “1”
$ wp post generate
Generates 100 dummy posts
$ wp post generate --count=10 --post_date=2021_06_15
Generates 10 Posts with date 2021-06-15
$ curl -N http://loripsum.net/api/5 | wp post generate --post_content --count=10
Generates 10 posts with 5 paragraphs of Lorem Ipsum text
$ wp db export
Exports the database as .sql file
$ wp db import database.sql
Imports the database
$ wp help db
Shows the help for "db" command
$ wp language core list
Shows all available languages
$ wp language core install es_ES --activate
Installs Spanish language file and activates the language
$ wp scaffold _s my-theme --theme_name="Test" --author="Marcel"
Creates a Custom Theme based on Underscores (_s)
$ wp scaffold plugin my-plugin
Creates a plugin boilerplate
$ wp scaffold block team --title="Team" --theme=astra
Creates a new "Team" block for the "Astra" theme