Compiler Hardening for C/C++ based on the OpenSSF Compiler Hardening Guide
Run this in your build environment, otherwise might give inaccurate results due to compiler being different than the one used in production
python3 --makefile <path-to-project-makefile>
| |_ ___ _ __ ___ _ __ ___ _ __
| __| / _ \| '_ ` _ \ | '_ \ / _ \| '__|
| |_ | __/| | | | | || |_) || __/| |
\__| \___||_| |_| |_|| .__/ \___||_|
usage: [-h] [-m MAKEFILE] [-i INPUT_JSON_PATH] [-o] [--apply] [-l] [-d] [--show]
Temper: Harden your C/C++ projects - Analyse and find secure compiler options for your makefile
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-m MAKEFILE, --makefile MAKEFILE
Path to Makefile to analyse and get recommendations
-i INPUT_JSON_PATH, --input-json-path INPUT_JSON_PATH
Path to input json generated from tool to get recommendations
-o, --output Store analysed options in json output file
--apply Apply recommended options to Makefile
-l, --list List compiler options in OpenSSF database
-d, --debug Debug mode
--show Show configured options in Makefile
- Database Updater Scraper: extra/
- Fetches OpenSSF Compiler Options HTML page
- Extracts all tables using BeautifulSoup4
- Extracted the relevant tables for recommended compiler options to create db.json file