Releases: mendix/AuditTrailModule
Allow avoiding scientific notation in big decimal logging
We added the "LogUseDecimalScientificNotation" constant to control how large decimal values are displayed. The default behaviour is to use scientific notation, which can be changed to show the full value instead.
Always log unchanged attributes on deletion
We now log all attributes of a deleted object even if 'IncludeOnlyChangedAttributes' is set to True. Before, no attributes would be logged on deletion.
Always log unchanged attributes on deletion — Mendix 8
We now log all attributes of a deleted object even if 'IncludeOnlyChangedAttributes' is set to True. Before, no attributes would be logged on deletion.
Automated releases and multiple bigfixes
We fixed the issue where unchanged attributes of type Decimal would appear as changed in the log (Ticket 155136).
We fixed the issue where setting LogSessionTimeZoneDateNotation flag to True would not affect logging (Ticket 104234).
We fixed the issue where server timezone would be marked as UTC even if the setting for server time zone is different (Ticket 104234).
We fixed the issue where creating a log for a reference would fail for users with no access to the association (Github issue #33).
Automated releases and multiple bigfixes - Mendix 8
We fixed the issue where unchanged attributes of type Decimal would appear as changed in the log (Ticket 155136).
We fixed the issue where setting LogSessionTimeZoneDateNotation flag to True would not affect logging (Ticket 104234).
We fixed the issue where server timezone would be marked as UTC even if the setting for server time zone is different (Ticket 104234).
We fixed the issue where creating a log for a reference would fail for users with no access to the association (Github issue #33).
Basic role fix
We fixed access issues for the basic module role
Basic role fix
We fixed access issues for the basic module role
Preparing for Atlas 3
- We wrapped all pop-up windows in Layout Grid containers in order to prepare for support of Atlas 3
Upgrade to Atlas 3
We upgraded the module to Mendix 9.0.5 and made it compatible with Atlas 3. We will now support 2 major versions of this module:
- Version 9 is compatible with Atlas UI 3. It is only available in Mendix 9. It should be used for new apps created with Mendix 9.
- Version 8 is compatible with Atlas UI 2. It is available in both Mendix 8 and 9.
Mendix 9 ready
- Updated Mendix framework to 8.12.0, which is Mendix 9 compatible;
- Removed/rewrote deprecated code;
- Updated format string widget to be compatible with Mendix 8 and 9 (Ticket 108303);
- Using Atlas UI is now mandatory.