I'm a Marie Curie 🌱 PhD Fellow @UniversityOfMalta former 🤖 Machine Learning Research Scientist @Aptus.AI.
🔭 I'm interested in Vision & Language, XAI, NLP, NLG, and Computer Vision.
Checkout my personal webpage for more.✨
I'm a Marie Curie 🌱 PhD Fellow @UniversityOfMalta former 🤖 Machine Learning Research Scientist @Aptus.AI.
🔭 I'm interested in Vision & Language, XAI, NLP, NLG, and Computer Vision.
Checkout my personal webpage for more.✨
Extract features and bounding boxes using the original Bottom-up Attention Faster-RCNN in a few lines of Python code
Original VinVL visual backbone with simplified APIs to easily extract features, boxes, object detections, in a few lines of Python code.
Python 6
[INLG2023] The High-Level (HL) dataset is a Vision and Language (V&L) resource aligning object-centric descriptions from COCO with high-level descriptions crowdsourced along 3 axes: scene, action, …