Welcome to my GitHub profile! Here you'll find a collection of projects spanning various technologies, including web development, React, Python, Java, and more. Feel free to explore and check out my work. hello
- Car-Game
- MK Portfolio
- GITHUB Portfolio
- Typing-Web
- Ion-Web
- Img-Web
- Astray-Game
- Demo-Web
- 5-FUN-Web
- JavaScript-Dragon-Game
- Squid-game
- Text-to-Speech
- mktech
- MK23
- Clock-REACT
- mk12
- my-ap
- PassWord Generator App
- fb-login-form
- Meme-Generator-Web
- SQUID Game
- Ionic-REACT
- desktop-tutorial
- React-drawer-image-upload
- React-Firebase-Auth-master
- react-food-recipe-master
- reactjs-blog-master
- day-9-generate-bank-check
- project_weather_pwa-master
- electron1
- fire-copy
- mk-app4
- next-js-e-commerce
- docusaurus-2
- datocms-gatsby-po
- novela-hugo-starter
- pink-stegosaurus
- royal-petunia-39c63
- Resume
- Sum-of-numbers-in-range
- kaziapp
- AwesomeProject
- ionic-react
- Movie-Recommendation-System
- oibsip_taskno_2-Level-2-Tribute_Page
- Gallary
- Alexandria
- Online_MarkSheet_Template
- DSA-Bootcamp-Java
- Plotter
- imdbApi
- flying-dog-beers
- project1
- Cadwork_Internship
- DharmadhikariSS
- 50projects50days
- react-faker
- BlogVlog
- Hacktoberfest2022-1
- Hacktoberfest2022
- hacktoberfest-java
- hacktoberfest2021-1
- hello-Mk
- mk1
- Demo
- demo1
- demo2
- demo3
- demo4
- mydemo
- hack2
Feel free to explore these repositories, and if you find something interesting or have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out.
[Repository Link](Link to the repository)
Brief introduction or description of the project.
List of technologies or languages used in the project.
List of key features or functionalities of the project.
Screenshots or images showcasing the project's interface or functionality.
Instructions or guide on how to use or run the project.
Step-by-step guide on how to install and set up the project locally.
Information about the project's license.
Ways to contact the repository owner or developer.
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