A Python library for lazy people (like myself), who never finds time to read daily Medium posts and prefer to listen to them instead. It convert medium post to markdown using a Docker container/image then uses gTTs to interface with Google Translate's text-to-speech API which converts text to spoken MP3
files, thereafter plays the generated mp3
files with cvlc
assuming it is installed.
You will need to install a few dependencies before you continue:
sudo apt install -y docker-ce mpg123 python3.6 python3.6-dev vlc
To install run:
python3 -m pip install -U medium-speech
Available arguments:
play_medium_post.py -h
usage: play_medium_post.py [-h] [--play] [--cleanup] [--speed N_SPEED]
[--loglevel LOG_LEVEL] [--url-post MEDIUM_URL]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--play, -p Play generated MP3 files.
--cleanup, -c Cleanup generated MP3 files.
--speed N_SPEED, -s N_SPEED
Play every n'th frame only ie Play speed.
--loglevel LOG_LEVEL log level to use, default [INFO], options [INFO,
--url-post MEDIUM_URL, -u MEDIUM_URL
Medium post URL.
--file MARKDOWN_FILE Specify a Markdown file.
Listen to a Medium post:
play_medium_post.py -ps 1 -u https://medium.com/@mmphego/how-i-managed-to-harness-imposter-syndrome-391fdb754820
Listen to Markdown file:
play_medium_post.py -ps 1 --file README.md
By the way... Click if you'd like to say thanks... :) else Star it.
Feel free to fork it or send me PR to improve it.