This is a library management system built with the MEAN (MongoDB, Express, Angular, Node.js) stack.
Clone the repository.
git clone library
Install the dependencies in the root level of the project.
npm install
Set your Atlas URI connection string, database name and server port in
. Make sure you replace the username and password placeholders with your own credentials.library/server/.env
PORT="5000" DATABASE_URI="mongodb+srv://<username>:<password>" DATABASE_NAME="library" SECRET="secret"
Start the server application.
npm install && npm start
Open a new terminal window and start the client application.
npm install && npm start
When both applications are built and running, open your browser on http://localhost:4200/.
Currently, the project has only API tests implemented with supertest
and mocha
. To execute them, navigate to the server/
directory and run:
npm test
The project utilizes Husky to execute actions before every commit. The pre-commit hook, located in .husky/pre-commit, lints the code and runs the API tests.
Use at your own risk; not a supported MongoDB product