Create democratic communities stored on the Ethereum blockchain.
Create a candidature and get voted by existing members.
Vote other candidates and access member list.
- Smart contract based coterie and candidature creation
- Candidature voting
- Coterie, candidatures and members listing
yarn install
(cd client; yarn install)
yarn compile
# start ganache network
yarn network
# run migrations
yarn migrate
# start ganache network
yarn network
# run all tests
yarn test
# $ truffle test
# ...
# 37 passing (37s)
# Done in 47.36s.
# run only a specific file
yarn test test/Coterie.test.js
# run only tests matching regex
yarn test -g "should have a candidature"
yarn format
cd client
yarn format
- prepare ganache network:
yarn network
yarn migrate
- Run frontend:
cd client
yarn start
- Opens the app in your primary navigator at localhost:3000.