This repository contains the research compendium of the journal article:
Oliveira, M., Moniz, N., Torgo, L., & Costa, V. S. (2021, June). Biased Resampling Strategies for Imbalanced Spatio-Temporal Forecasting. International Journal of Data Science and Analytics. doi: 10.1007/s41060-021-00256-2
The journal article is free to read here. It is an extension to the following conference paper:
Oliveira, M., Moniz, N., Torgo, L., & Costa, V. S. (2019, October). Biased Resampling Strategies for Imbalanced Spatio-Temporal Forecasting. In 2019 IEEE International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics (DSAA) (pp. 100-109). IEEE. doi: 10.1109/DSAA.2019.00024
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If you adapt the code to your own needs, you are also required to maintain information on your code concerning the original source of the code (e.g. the URL of this repository) and a reference to the original paper.
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library(devtools) # You need to install this package!
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PATH <- system.file("inst/", package="STResamplingJDSA")
source(paste0(PATH, "/generate_inds.R"))
source(paste0(PATH, "/exps_internalTuning.R"))
source(paste0(PATH, "/exps_externalPrequential.R"))
To generate an HTML report containing all figures and tables in the article, run:
knitr::knit(system.file("inst/report.Rmd", package="STResampling-JDSA2020"))