The code PDA . py file shows the transistions for a PDA.
The automata file is loaded from a specific file which has the following input format-
Line 1: Total States
Line 2: Input Word Symbols
Line 3: Stack Symbols
Line 4: Initial State Symbol
Line 5: Initial Stack Symbol
Line 6: List of Final States
Line 7 and onwards: Productions in form of
(Current State, Current Input Symbol, Current Top of Stack, Next State, Push/Pop Operation Symbol)
Currently 3 examples have been included-
- 0ⁿ1ⁿ
- Number of 0's = Number of 1's
- Palindrome - wcwᴿ
To run use - python
You can also define your own productions and use them. Make sure to give full path of the automata file, or better keep the automata file in the same directory as the program.