This project manages digital documents by storing their metadata on the Ethereum blockchain. Users can add, share, and display the files they have access to; whilst they can also revoke access of these documents from other users. This solution demonstrates the power of blockchain technology in enabling secure and transparent document sharing.
- http://localhost/loginsystem/
- After Signing up or clicking on "Login"
- Home (Landing Page)
- After clicking on "Get Started" and connecting with metamask
- After clicking on "Upload Files"
- After clicking on "My Files"
- After clicking on "Share Access"
Download and Install Xampp Control Panel
Locate to the folder "htdocs" in your C drive or respective place.
Open the "htdocs" folder in any IDE and Clone the project
git clone
Open the Xampp Control Panel and start these servers - "Apache" & "MySQL"
Edit the "httpd.conf" file
Find "index.html" and add the file name "signup.php" at the end of that line.
Save the file and exit.
- Open the browser and enter the following url
You can check the screenshots/demo to use the rest of the functionalities
Note:: Don't forget to make a database and table named "users" to store the credentials. This can be done using phpMyAdmin.
- Note:: Don't forget to add the required api keys and other essentials keys in
To deploy the smart contract through hardhat
- Intall hardhat (Root directory as the project)
npm install --save-dev hardhat@latest
- After Installation of hardhat
npx hardhat
This should download all the node modules.
Use the same hardhat-config.js file as in the project and thus do the necessary changes in the config.json file.