A Flask app More details will be added later
To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.
This is an example of how to list things you need to use the software and how to install them.
- python3
brew install python
- Flask
pip3 install Flask
- Clone the repo
git clone https://github.com/nanoMFG/GSA-Database.git
- Install NPM packages
npm install
python3 app.py
The main entry is an experiment. Each experiment may consists of the following components. Components marked with an asterisk are required.
- name*: name of contributor
- affiliation: affiliation of of contributor
- base pressure
- carbon source
- preparation step
- step name
- duration
- temperature
- furnace pressure
- sample locatioon
- helium flow rate
- H2 flow rate
- C flow rate
- cooling rate
- tube diameter
- cross sectional area
- tube length
- length of heated region
- dew point
- ambient temperature
- catalyst
- thickness
- diameter
- length
- surface area
- SEM images
- raman spectra