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How to get Microsoft Azure TTS credentials

ノア edited this page Mar 7, 2023 · 2 revisions

IMPORTANT NOTE: The credentials generated in this guide should be treated like passwords. NEVER share your credentials with anyone unless you know what you're doing. If you think your credentials are compromised, please return to the credentials page, generate new ones and delete the previous ones.

Get Universal credentials instead

If you don't want to setup these credentials yourself, I provide a service that allows you to get access to most TTS engines. Learn more about it here.

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Create a Microsoft Azure account


Create a Microsoft Azure Resource Group


  • Create a new resource group called "Izabela-TTS"
  • Select the region closest to yours then click "Create"

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Create a Microsoft Azure Speech Service

Once a resources group has been created, create a Speech Service for that account.

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Get your Microsoft Azure API Key

Once a speech service has been created, get your Microsoft Azure API key.


  • You'll land on the detail page of your speech service. From there, click on "Click here to manage keys" to get your speech service keys


  • Copy the API key and the Location/Region and paste them into Izabela

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After that you should be able to use Microsoft Azure TTS in Izabela.