The pourpose of this project is to re-achieve frontend knowledge using React. The tech stack used to build it is quite simple: React as framework, Typescript, React-Bootstrap to style. The state is handled without any state management tool, since it's not too big. The database is emulated using json data collected by prust.
The project emulates a blockbuster service in which is possible to list movies, add to a list of favourites, sort in different ways (alphabetical, year, genre), see the descriptions and their data.
What is a side-effect? Any operations or behaviors that occur in a component after rendering, and that don't directly impact the current component render cycle.
List of potential side-effects:
- Data Fetching
- DOM manipulation
- External interactions (local storage, API calls etc.)
- Timers and scheduling
- Global objects (like window)
- Clean-up functions
- Authentications
- Accessibility features
Pure function: no side-effects (means, no mutation of data outside its scope) and, identical return values given the same input. The useEffect()
is the hook to place side-effects and calculations, like fetch requests, direct DOM manipulation, use of timer functions.
In simple words: if the calculations affect the state of the component, this calculation should be inside the useEffect()
Example: data fetching.
In a component, the data fethcing goes into the useEffect()
hook. The component renders the page when no data is fetched, with a loading page, and when this is rendered, the hook is called. The hook fetches the data, modifies the state and the component re-render accordingly.
Clean-up function: in useEffect()
we can provide a clean-up function which is executed when the component unmounts. The miss use of a clean-up function could cause potential memory leaks.
Example: data fetching.
In the following example, when the data is fecthed a timer to simulate a delay is used. Let's suppose that in this 3 seconds, the user causes the component to unmount, like changing page or performing actions which force the component to re-mount (in our case, changing the year of movies to display); if the clean-up function is not set correctly, the unmounted component fetching function would continue to execute its job. So if the user forces 10 times the component to re-mount, all the 10 data fetching would be performed, but what we want, is just one, the last one. In code snippet this clean-up calls just clearTimout(timerId)
because the delay of the data fetch is emulated through setTimeout()
. In real world examples, for example by using AbortController API, it could be necessary additional clean-ups.
useEffect(() => {
async function fetchData() {
const response = await fetch(`../data/movies-${year}s.json`);
const newMovies: IMovie[] = await response.json();
let timerId = setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Fetching data...")
}, 3000);
return () => {
console.log("! FETCHING ABORTED !");
clearTimeout(timerId); }
}, [year])
I used react-bootstrap to style the app, including various components like navbars, carousel and modals, and the bootstrap grid system. I modified the basic colors by installing dart-sass into the container and recompiling the .css
document used into index.html
The project uses a docker container. After cloning just make
and access it thorugh http://localhost:8080.
git clone;
cd flexneet-movie-service && make;