Check out the official docs: RSocket Docs
Most interesting:
Network communication is asynchronous. The RSocket protocol embraces this and models all communication as multiplexed streams of messages over a single network connection, and never synchronously blocks while waiting for a response
This library for vue3 enables to easily connect to an RSocket server and react on incoming messages.
Currently, only requestStream is supported. But this could be easily extended. Feel free to open a PR.
The goal of this library is to wrap the functionality of rsocket-js in an easy-to-use plugin for Vue 3.
An example implementation of RSocket using a SpringCloud Gateway can be found here.
🏗️ Add an example project using this library
yarn add vue3-rsocket
npm install --save vue3-rsocket
For all possible configuration values have look at src/classes/RSocketConfig.ts
🏗️ Add setup instructions for vue3 project
import { boot } from "quasar/wrappers";
import { Vue3RSocket, BearerAuth, RSocketConfig } from "vue3-rsocket";
export default boot(async ({ app }) => {
const rSocketConfig = new RSocketConfig({
url: `ws://localhost:8070/server/rsocket`,
authFn: async () => new BearerAuth(token).asAuthentication(),
debug: true
await app.use(Vue3RSocket, rSocketConfig);
import { boot } from "quasar/wrappers";
import { Vue3RSocket, UserAuth, RSocketConfig } from "vue3-rsocket";
export default boot(async ({ app }) => {
const rSocketConfig = new RSocketConfig({
url: `ws://localhost:8070/server/rsocket`,
authFn: async () => new UserAuth("username", "password").asAuthentication(),
debug: true
await app.use(Vue3RSocket, rSocketConfig);
import { onBeforeUnmount, inject } from "vue";
import { RequestStreamInformation } from "vue3-rsocket";
export default {
setup() {
const rs = inject("vue3-rsocket");
rs.requestStream("route", (data) => console.log(data));
(data) => console.log(data),
new RequestStreamInformation({
data: "Hey",
metaData: { requester: "Fred Flintstone" },
// Unsubschribe before component is destroyed.
onBeforeUnmount(() => {
We currently use Yarn v1 for this project (v1 to not break dependency updated provided by dependabot).
To build the project hit:
yarn && yarn build
all generated filed will then be located in dist/
To build when something in src/
changed, use:
yarn dev
and to test it in your desired project hit yarn link {{absolute-path-to}}/vue3-rsocket
- Add dependabot
- Add Vue setup example
- Add full example project with front and backend
- Expose more configuration parameters
- Implement local subscriptions
- Implement more than the request-stream interaction model
We are pretty new to RSocket and library publishing, so this code or the bundling process might not be optimized, suggestions are welcome. Also, we are pretty new to TypeScript, so this code might not be in the best shape possible.
Every contribution is highly appreciated!