This repository contains .ino files and documentation for the simple BB PWM controller based on ATMega328P.
Typical use case of BBDuino is supplying a PWM signal at 5V or another voltage(via MOSFET) and 16-bit resolution to a resistor thermally linked to black body 'equivalent' material somewhere in a cryostat. This heating varies the amount of photons incident on sample/detector, allowing extraction of important performance metrics.!
Firmware communicates via somewhat reliable serial (i.e. has ACKs) communication protocol. Protocol specification and tests are provided in HCLib, a part of ADRNX cryostat automation framework (with which BBDuino is typically controlled in our setup).
- Install latest arduino IDE
- Flash serial setting firmware (fw_typeandserial.ino) - this will write specified serial number and type to EEPROM as safeguard against running wrong FW type
- Flash actual firmware of correct version (fw_v[xx].ino)
- Check board output on startup to see current type, and flash appropriate FW version